
The best question EVER!

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i wonder what the future will be like. a lot of people probably think there will be flying cars or there will be cars that are run on water or instead of cars, we'll travel by flying or something like that. But imagine were in the 50's or 60's. in the 50s and 60s people might have thought the year 2008 would have flying cars. and they were SO wrong. imagine how wrong WE could be. in 50 years could it be worse than it is today? could it stay the same? please tell me what YOU think. lol =)




  1. This earth is getting older and worn out! I don't think it will last to much longer. The bible says that the earth and all of its elements will be burned up. Who knows when that might happen!

  2. I think we'll be asking this question again, and getting more of the same answers.

  3. The problem with flying cars is that people will crash them. They're a fun idea, but I think that people in the 50's and 60's forgot to try and picture themselves and their friends actually piloting one.

    I think that if things continue the way they are, people will mostly walk, use bicylces, or ride public transportation (but not every day). Our lives will be closer to home and people will travel a lot less. Wealthier people will drive cars, but they won't usually be very nice... and a lot of functioning vehicles might even be recycled for their metal.  

  4. 50 yrs most of us won't be here> we want drilling for oil  know so we can drive what we have>

  5. Good tag line.  Yeah, technology moves fast, but society doesn't.  And I don't think we will ever have flying cars.  The average person has enough problems driving in two dimensions, let alone three.  And look how complex and dangerous it is to fly in the air today.  Just being realistic.  But, I would like to see us driving automobiles on batteries alone.  Quiet and clean.  Cool.  Hey, we are young...maybe if we rule the world someday, we can make anything happen!

  6. i think that we wont have flying cars, but more sifisticated cars and more high tech stuff. in the 50's they had ford pintos and crapy cars now we have lambos and aston martins i think as the years go on there will be more and more high tech stuff

  7. well if we leave to see that day i grantee oil will run out by 2030(even the gov knows this) and all cars will run on water. right now only honda has a car that does that. it works fine and all but there are not Enoch places to fuel it so we will just have to wait.

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