
The best way or diet or drug for infertility?

by  |  earlier

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To induct ovum.Do u ever heard about quail egg.




  1. No, I've never heard about quail egg. But I have heard of chaste tree berries aka vitex is a natural form of clomid. Good luck!

  2. There are many, many reasons for infertiltiy. Without knowing more, it's hard to guess. For example, my mother was infertile before I was born. The doctor put her on a low dosage of Synthroid even though she was technically in the "normal" range for thyroid and, voila! I was conceived!

    Any organ or gland being out of balance could be the problem: thyroid, adrenals, etc.

    There's a test at that costs something like $5 to take but usually will tell you if one of your organs is weak or you have a systemic problem. I suggest that the infertile person take the test.

  3. I would investigate "energy healing" or accupuncture.  I've heard stories of this working for people.  But many times infertility is an energetic issue, rather than purely physical.  Meditation, focusing on that area of your body.  Using the power of your mind.

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