
The best way to intoduce a chihuahua puppy to a jack russle?

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i have a 4 year ols jack russle and im going to get a tiny chihuahua puppy and im really scard that my dog Emma might attack it. does anyone know away that i could intoduse them without them being able to bit eachother? please help!!




  1. Try to keep the puppy in a blocked off space and let them outside seperately. Then after a couple weeks let them both outside at the same time, but keep the puppy as close to you as possible. When you let the puppy back in stay close to it and watch it very closely. The two dogs should be fine with each other, but it is good to watch your puppy. If the jack russell growls or snarls or looks slightly annoyed then I would seperate them because a jack russell could hurt a little puppy like that.

    Good Luck!

  2. I would make sure that for the first few days until you get a good feel for how they will get along to always have the chihuahua in a protable kennel if you're not holding the little guy while showing attention to both. Make sure your Jack knows that this is not a replacement and will not draw your attention away to avoid jelousy issues.

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