
The best way to protect our enviroment

by Guest66928  |  earlier

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The best way to protect our enviroment




  1. Recycle

    Adopt animals from the shelter

    Not waste in anything

    Donate to projects and group helping out the environment


  2. A great place to start is by being one single element can solve all problems. All components, systems or ideas must be well engineered and integrated.

  3. Reduce your personal impact and get involved with a couple organizations that influence politicians to make better laws.

    To reduce your impact, reduce packaging, recycle and compost, stop using toxic chemicals for cleaning and beauty products, buy organic and local, conserve all energy.

  4. use the basic 3 R's...reduce, reuse,recycle!

  5. Yep...thats a global debate.

    Recycling? Solar Power? Veganism? Who knows! A little bit of everything should help...or atleast make others feel like they're helping. In the end, we're all going to die anyway.

  6. recycle  

  7. Learn more about solar energy...

  8. W need to do a verity of things but start off with less transportation cause that causes chemical stuff to go on with the whether then we need to recycle trash don't throw its self away then people need to stop littering its bad enough its in the ocean and sea so we need to reduce that. I'm not saying its going to be easy but its definitely not just to let you no but who knows we can do alot for our community~ happy judging

  9. Many things need to be done, but some ways that you can help are to:

    ~Of course, recycle everything you can! (Ex: cans, bottles, plastics, paper, ect.)

    ~Buy energy saving light bulbs

    ~Buy things like clothes, paper, ect that are made from recycled materials

    ~Use reusable batteries or recycle dead batteries properly

    ~Use reusable shopping bags

    ~If you have plastic shopping bags, use them instead of just tossing them. They can be used to pick up dog poo, line small trash cans, ect.

    ~Try not to use paper napkins or paper towel as much as possible. Instead use cloth napkins that can be washed.

    ~Try to use fewer paper plates and more washable ones.

    ~Take shorter showers

    ~Turn off lights whenever possible

    ~Try to buy more organic foods and local foods (for example, at a farmer's market)

    ~Use regular silverware, not plastic

    ~Use eco friendly products in replace of regular dish washing liquids, house cleaners, ect. (Greenworks)

    ~Use cold water to wash clothes (Tide Cold water works great)

    ~On a nice day, turn off the air/heat and open some windows. You save of the cost, get a nice fresh breeze, and help the environment.

    ~Plant trees around your house to shade and save on using more air conditioning

    ~Buy one stainless steel, reusable, water bottle instead of using regular plastic ones and then getting rid of them. This one you can clean and use over and over again!

    ~Change the setting on your sprinklers to use less water

    ~Buy eco friendly fertilizers (I think they have them at Home Depot)

    ~Buy or lease a hybrid if possible

    ~Walk or ride a bike wherever possible

    ~Carpool if possible

    If you can try to fit some of these things into your daily life and convince others to too, we can help out environment one small step at a time.

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