
The better Quality Car for me?

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Well since Gas prices are so high, I am thinking about getting a new car. I currently drive an 04 Wrangler (Jeep TJ for those who care) and I get a WHOPPING 12 miles per gallon.

I've been looking to get a Sports Car but don't want to get a v8 due to insurance issues - yet don't want to look LAME in a v6 American Made sports car. (Oh sue me, v6 American Muscle looks stupid).

I've been looking at a couple cars, tell me which one you think might be better.

Mazda RX-8


Mitsubishi Eclipse

Chevy Cobalt SS (Supercharged w/ Ecoboost)

My clear favorites are Cobalt SS because I am more of an American Made car (even though 95% of the car is made out of the U.S.) but with the Mazda RX-8 as a close second.

Feel free to recommend other cars, but warning, I hate Toyota and Honda.




  1. Bext quality is Mazda 3i. Best handling FWD car too.

    RX-8 is one of bext handling RWD cars.

  2. I have met this kind of problem before,here is the resource I found useful.

  3. if you are looking for quality, your best bet is the mazda RX-8. you are better off waiting till the mazda RX-9 2009 model. it is supposed to look considerably better.  the eclipse is better as a sports car though.. in conclusion:

    mazda RX-8 or 9   =  quality and sports blend

    eclipse = more on the sports side.

  4. There are better cars out there that are sporty, the cobalt is probably the best out of those butt i would get a VW of some kind jetta , jetta convertible. Not as sporty butt awesome mileage on some of them, and are pretty safe for a sporty car.  

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