
The bible Did you know?

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Did you know there is a talking donkey in the bible?

Did you know there is text of dragons in the bible?

Did you know there are giants in the bible? (not the sports team)

Did you know there are satyrs in the bible?

Did you count how many times just tonight people said....I believe the bible it 100% true stories?




  1. what are satyrs??

    somebody should give the donkey verse cut i dont remember where

    and the dragons....REFEREnces?

    my favorite is this one


  2. Kinda ironic  isn't it....

    Believers would believe in unicorns  if the Bible mentioned them too....

  3. the bible may have some accounts which may be hard to imagine but they have a meaning or particular reason of being there.  

  4. Yes, I did.

  5. I doubt they've read the whole book at all.

    LastEntWife: Did you know that these can be found in the original Hebrew versions too?

    יכ ךל יתישע-המ םעלבל רמאתו ןותאה יפ-תא הוהי חתפיו

    :םילגר שלש הז ינתיכה

    And the LORD opened the mouth of the ***, and she said unto Balaam: 'What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?'

    You claim to have studied the Bible for decades, so I assume that you are an adult. Surely you, as an adult, would do the rest of your homework, now that I, a kid, has given you the basics.

  6. and don't forget the talking burning bush

  7. Yea, that's one of the reasons why I became an atheist.  There are a lot more strange things in the bible than just your 4 "did you knows"

  8. Did you know the King James translation of the Bible is without a doubt one of the poorly translated versions in history and everything you just referenced is due to faulty translations because the team didn't have access to a single Hebrew scholar?

    Z- I have spend nearly a decade studying the Bible, would you care to quote your sources?

    EDIT - That's one, now where are the others?  Like the unicorn?  Or "suffer not a witch to live" come on, let's hear them.

  9. The donkey when he spoke had more intelligent things to say than some people I know.

    Did you know that dragons are exceedingly common in very many ancient cultures?

    Any man who was measured to be 6 cubits and a span (which comes out by the conservative estimate to be 9' 4'') I could comfortably call a giant.

    As for satyrs, this was the choice of words by the King James translators for a somewhat obscure word that others have rendered as shaggy creatures or wild goats; although some render this demons, which I think more likely.

    I'm sure you reckon demons to be creatures of the imagination too, and they are very pleased that you take this attitude.

    It makes you much more easily manipulated.

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