
The bible and truth. ?

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If God exists and the bible is the word of God don't you think that at the very least some hints would have been given about matters such as the existence of countries beyond the known world of the time; the nature of matter; quantum theory; the sun being at the centre of the solar system and the distance of galaxies, to name a few. On the contrary, the word of God is like spiritualism. Mediums never converse with Einstein who might tell us something useful but only with Auntie Betty who tells us something banal!




  1. Don't often see those two words in the same sentence.

    Bible was written by catholics how can it be true?

  2. The bible says that Man will do greater things than what Jesus did when he was on earth. we weren't given hints about all the things you have mentioned because God Want's us to discover these things for ourselves...thats just my opinion though,

  3. The Bible is not a science book and God allows us to discover things other than in the Bible.

    God is the Sustainer. I love His Word. Just love it!

  4. If you are blind but imagine that you can see, can you imagine what you are missing?

    You are clearly blind.

  5. The bible and the truth?

    This will always be a contradiction in terms.

    Your comments are succinct and intelligent. That'll wind up the braiwashed!

  6. Even the supposed 'truth' of the bible is wrong about the regions of the time.  

  7. If you are having trouble with just 66 books, why in the world would you need one with 19,648???

  8. If God answered every question, we would have no need to explore his truth. God has given us all relevant information to know him. You are looking for empiric proof. Well it's there. Some just choose to deny and look for better proof. When that's the case, no amount of evidence will be good enough for the existence of God.

  9. *Banal? As in 'holy'?

    I can't actually identify your problem, but I'll comment about that thing you have in your head. I really think that science was just trying to prove and explore God's creations, understand it. But as we go deeper, studying things in particles (the quantum stuff you're saying, in particular) are like dissecting things God gave us. TO ME. Aside from doing all these scientific c**p, I think we should just see nature's beauty.

  10. Those two words can never RRREEEEAAALLLYYY go together.

    You can call it an exaggeration or lie or misconception, but whatever it is, its not completely the truth.

  11. We were created to be under theocratic rule.

    When we get that right then maybe all other things will be given to us.

    Don't blame God for our own incompetence.

    x x x

  12. Oh Yes God would surely need for us to know the nature of matter; quantum theory; the sun being at the center of the solar system and the distance of galaxies. Obviously these are so important to our Soul..


    God does not need us to know these things, in order to KNOW HIM.. He is interested in WHO we are. HE already knows how the world was made. He surely doesn`t need us to tell him. Thus the knowledge is just not all that important.

    We do a lot of critical analysis when we decided to follow God.. Take some time, dear one, to do your research before asking such a question. Most of the cities mentioned in the Bible have been either excavated and found, or are still inhabited. The evidence, that he has left, would stand in any court of the law.. You can NOT say the same of your evidence.. How many eye witness accounts do you need? How many miracles do you need? The Bible has been proven to be historically accurate as well as archaeologically accurate.. ((these peoples still inhabit the lands of the bible.. This is their history)) The do and did keep records. they have genealogies, tax records, Death records, criminal records, census records, Land records and etc.. There are over 600 writings regarding Jesus that have nothing to do with religion..

    You have NO ( well, hardly any) evidence that stands up to real scrutiny, or at least nothing tangible to make me think otherwise..

    1- Evolution is a theory. Thus : THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION. Here is the definition of Theory ..

    1 - Abstract thought : speculation.

    2 - A hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation.

    3 - An unproved assumption : conjecture.

    You (they) present the theory of evolution as: FACT.. Shame on you all.

    The problem, I think, (in my humble opinion) stems from the fact that folks are *assuming* that 6000 years ago God created everything. When in fact the bible does not say what length of time passed between the creation of the world and when it was actually inhabited by the human race..

    Peace and Blessings from Texas <><

  13. Was Einstein more important than somebodies Aunt Betty. Most people want to know about life after death, Heaven and h**l, morality and all that jazz. Some will argue that God gave us free will, and through that we have sought answers about Quantum physics, space exploration and the rubik cube ourselves! Define your question as you truly mean it. If it is only directed at the Bible then if the world followed the teaching, if only loosely, none of us would have to lock the front door at night!  

  14. God tells us what He wants us to know. The rest lies in us having faith in what He has shown us so far.

  15. Because the Bible isnt the truth its a set of guidlines on how to live your life in accordance with the christian way
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