
The big 4 Rly Companies agreed WHAT in the Autumn of 1928 & 9 months later had a bill put thro parliment?

by  |  earlier

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The Bill put through parliment was to implement what had been agreed




  1. As far as I know, nothing. There was the change in letter height in this time (to 8"), but I don't think it was because of parliament, more because of general tidiness.

  2. The  Acts relevant to railways passed in 1928 appears to have been the Western Highlands and Islands (Transport Services) Act 1928 and the Railway (Road Transport) Act 1928 which gave the 'big four' the right to operate bus services

  3. Nothing that I am aware of.

    By 1928, the big four railway companies were virtually under state control, providing those services determined by the Government in return for their 1913 level of revenues. This arrangement was a wartime measure which was renewed in 1921 to prevent a meltdown of the UK rail networks.

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