
The big issue with buying the JET for the Trinidad Governmet?

by  |  earlier

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Personally I have no qualms about it, however, its a growing controversy (that will die down soon and brought back to life again, when it breaks down)

Check out this picture I've just received via email - really made me laugh! Imagine what the Opposition might say!




  1. What wrong with all yuh.

    Bush have ah big, big, big jet that does get at least 4 fighter escort.  Radar like rass tracking to make sure nutting wrong.  Is true nobody hot, hot like ah Curepe doubles on Manning tail but leh we ha something nah.

    Oh gosh man.  All yuh lucky it wasn't me in dey.  Is ah 747 in all yuh @$$ with no remorse...Who vex with meh plane let them vex.

    By the way I writing this from my iphone flying business class from London.... T.T.A.S take that...

    Ah Stwardess another glass of wine please...Oh and make sure two olives slightly notched are in there....



    Jes Jaz ah love yuh, but I say he buying to small ah jet he neet to buy ah J.E.T!!!!!!!! Do I hear 737.....NAH   747.

    Rog whe yuh on this...?

  2. I say buy A jet, prob just not THAT jet, maybe one that is less expensive so you can have the same benefits with less outcry and expense.

  3. TS, i like you, me ent have no problem with the man buying ah jet, it done have ah client list for the use ah d jet aready, so other people will be helping pay for upkeep and maintenance and aviation fuel. so what is we problem.  if allyuh have enough money, organise and fly on it too.

  4. I say that Mr Prime Minister as head of state should buy the jet. He is Head Of State. Why not? We pay taxes, we have revenue from oil!! Use the money.

    Use the leftover money after fixing up the hospitals; after making sure our doctors are paid, after pouring a few millions into our health care system and our schools.

    Our prime minister obviously needs this jet so he can fly to and from meetings here and there because the traffic along the east-west corridor is at a stand still. Oh! and if he needs to go to meetings in Tobago.

    I say buy the jet.

  5. Listen !

    I am a taxpayer !!

    If the gov want to buy and expensive jet with my money, I d**n well be able to fly on it every weekend !!

    For free !!

    I pay my taxes !!

    I put him in office and I say no jet for you !!

    None !!

    I give 0 damns about what bush or blair or anyone else flies in !

    You want a jet ?!

    Pay for it out of your own pocket !!

    Not the treasury !!

    Maybe if politicians had to use normal Caribbean Airlines planes, they will see how poor the service is and actually do something to improve it !

    I do not consent !!

  6. I say let Manning have his jet. That way he can go visit his common sense on a regular basis...we all know it's on an extended leave of absence.

  7. damm right it's for the gov't only if in case of  some kinda disaster god forbid it manning and his wife leaving first everyone else have to fend for themselves do or die

  8. i fully agree with julien and nika oh gosh ah laugh with dat one!

    they dont go through wat us ordinary citizens do, wait for hours in traffic, wait for hours in the hospital with the worst staff ever or some attention..... huh.....

    mr manning i admire u yes, it aint have a man i see strong like u yet...... father of the nation my a$$.....

  9. now me eh have no problem with we heads of state wanting to be super efficient and ting eh. Yuh know get to that meeting and rush back home quick quick ...all that good.

    BUT ....yes it always have ah BUT. When yuh kiss meh as s hospital looking like ah friggin hawk and spit rum shop yuh can't spend dem $$$ on ah plane, wen people have to duck piegon sh it while waiting for clinic (expectant mothers), wen people still dedin because they can't get treatment for kidney problems....yuh still want plane eh to go whey Cuba ?

    Private jets come like p***s envy now

    Who vex lorse but all yuh know i does say spend some money on health care nah .... one set ah big building, stadium (dat eh done) and yuh people go ded for ah plaster.....come nah man

  10. well honestly i agree wid TS

    man i was bringin back de d**n concorde so meh ah reach even quicker LOL

    what i am head of state and all tht i was  making sure i was living in luxury

    is not abuse of power or anything is jus a trini  thing style is we thing

    so h**l yeah

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