
The bike shop had my bike run over. What do I do?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday I was getting a bike rack and the tech helping me put it on my car put my bike in front of a van or something, I didn't notice it, and the driver got in and ran up onto my tire before we got him to stop. He bent my rim and my frame. I think this might put me out of warranty. The shop tried to fix it, and I took it out yesterday and it rides well, though the gears did pop out sometimes (bike trail, not road).

The shop opens back up tomorrow and I think I'm going to call and talk to the manager, because their employee put my bike in harm's way. What should I expect? It still rides, but may be out of warranty, and the rim is definitely bent. I've had this bike for a week (Cannondale F7). Yeah, so what should I expect and maybe what should I request as a way to make this right and not leave me hanging if something should happen. I'm not looking for spoils or anything, just fair compensation. Thanks.




  1. Did they sell you that bike==  New bike.  

    Their insurance may cover it.

      It doesn't cost them as much as you for a bike.

    They may go for new wheel and frame, but you also need a good ride while waiting.

    If you put this on a charge card, dispute the charge til this is resolved to your satisfaction.

    The tech was not being a responsible person when putting your bike in the way of any vehicle except yours and his.

    If this is an aluminum frame, you don't straighten them,...

    Better Business Bureau if you need help.

  2. I think they should give you a new bike.  The rim is one thing, but the fact that the frame got bent is a major issue.  If it wasn't your fault, and you can directly blame the shop employee, I think they should be held responsible. As for the driver of the van, he could be held responsible too, as he actually inflicted the damage, but if the shop employee put the bike where the driver couldn't have seen it as he was backing up, I still blame the employee.

  3. Bike Shops can usually sort something out with the dealer/company in these situations. Speak to the manager and he/she will do their best to sort it out for you. I'm sure they would rather lose a couple hundred dollars/whatever over lots of bad rep. After all, that's mainly how bike shops stay in business - Having a good reputation.

  4. You've had the bike a week!!!! seriously, they need to give you a new bike.

    If your gears are already popping that isn't a good sign. Go in with your warranty and any witnesses, the name of that guy and talk to his sup.

    If you go in with a good attitude to start with your chances are better your bike will be replaced. (optional)Take an older friend with you dressed in a suit. If that still doesn't work go down to your local courthouse and get a form for small claims court it costs about 25.00 to file. Good luck, hopefully the owner/supervisor will be ethical and honest. We can only pray. Take care.

  5. Ask for a new bike, if they say no, SUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I think you should ask the bike shop for a new bike.

  7. Your new bike now needs major repair due to the shop employee's carelessness. The shop should completely replace the bike. A free repair is unacceptable.

  8. A good rim is what, $150.00 ask him to split the difference and you can keep the bent rim as a a spare. Remember, you may prevail in court if it goes that far, but you could want to do business with this guy in the future. It sounds to me like the guy who ran over your bike is the guy who ought to pay. Did you get his license and registration information? He is required by law to report the accident. It was his fault. The bike shop guy was helping you load your bike he had nothing to do with the guy in the van running it over. The guy in the van is the guy you need to ask for replacement funds, and if he left the scene before exchanging information( such as his insurance) then he has committed a crime.

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