
The bilble and the aliens?

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ive been reading recently a book about similarities between biblical events and possible alian influence on mankind. it states that alians could have visited earth withinn the last 100,000 years and being immeasurably superior in intelligence to us , experimented with primeval humans/apes, DNA to create the human race as it now is, and that biblical events were in fact aliens still conversing with us. ie moses on the hill being instructed by aliens from a spacecraft, elijahs ascent to heaven, an alien going back to his spaceship, and more importantly mary being impregnated by artificial insemination, and that christ was indeed an alian with supernatural powers and that the star of bethlehem was a spacecraft. does this sound plausible or rubbish to you, and if you think its rubbish, isn't it as plausible as a virgin giving birth to the son of God. what do yuo think




  1. never thought of it like that...

  2. look out! ur gunna get abducted and probed and all sorts of other perverted stuff! your from georgia. this kind of stuff happens all the time over there.

  3. This is all just a lot of rubbish.

    The 100,000 years ago part sounds like somebody watched the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.

    The Christian mythos provides an answer to a question that this story leaves unanswered: Why?

  4. No, I don't think these ideas sound too credible.;...

  5. That's even nuttier than the original Christian mythos.

  6. Rubbish!

  7. It amazes me how people, who claim the Bible (or some other ancient source) is untrue overall, will pick out a single event and claim that it IS true and literally DID happen  (though not in the way the original says it happened) and PROVES their belief in something like aliens.

    How convenient.  

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