
The bill of rights and the constitution

by  |  earlier

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This girl was talking about a bulleton she posted. She said it's freedom of speech that's why we have the constitution. Freedom of speech is in the bill of rights. So my question is....

Is the bill of rights the same thing as the constituion? I know there related but I thought they were 2 different things??????




  1. The "Bill of Rights" are the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution... so YES, they are by definition, PART of the Constitution.

    Sadly, your friend does not understand what having "rights" really means.

    Your RIGHTS are between YOU and the GOVERNMENT.   They are NOT between YOU and some private party.

    You do NOT have "legal protection" from telling your boss that he's an a$$hole, nor do you have "freedom of speech" to post something offensive or otherwise on a bulliten board, Internet Site, etc.

    If you do something like that, expect to be fired or have your membership revoked... but you will NOT BE ARRESTED.   The "private" party can step on your "right" but the government can't.

  2. First ten amendments to the Constitution are also known as the Bill of Rights.

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