
The black race begin over 3.5 million years ago. The modern race(white) has only been in existence for 100,000

by Guest34387  |  earlier

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The most recent findings of ancient humans date of 5.5 million years old also found in Africa. Older than the 4.5 year old skeleton of the ancient human ancestor Lucy found in Ethiopia. In the Bible it describes blacks by complexion(example: feet like bronze) and hair styles (locks)




  1. Most of the evidence points to all races starting from a single population about a 100,000 years ago. The idea that Negroes are an older race and we all descended from them is ignorant of how biology works.  We are all the same distance from that founding population 100,000 years ago.

    African is not a race and it would be wise to remove that definition from common speech because it is confusing and not accurate.  White people are not a more evolved version with the exception of a couple of very superficial traits like the amount of melanin in the skin.  White skin isn't a particularly useful trait here in SoCal so it isn't exactly more evolved, just different.

  2. Let the historians and sociologist with anthropologist estimate this kind of racial evolution to divide human beings with a tag as you have labled. We must live in the present in that lot of permutation of black and white. Only certain Tribal are in aboriginal form.

  3. Anything found 3.5 million years ago is not human.  As in the case of Lucy, she is /was an Australopithecus.  I'm not sure what you are trying to say about the black race but it doesn't sound very positive.

  4. Gorillas are black. Chimpanzees have white skin.  It's difficult to tell from skeletal remains exactly what colour the skin of humans was at that time.  


    If you are suggesting that white people have a more balanced view of life because they have both black AND white ancestors, then it's possible you may upset some people.  So when you do restate your question AS a question, please be very sensitive about how you phrase it.

  5. A long time ago, racial diversity already existed in Africa. So, they're not all black. They were already developing colors of all sorts. Then they start to migrate and the colors changed more due to climate...............

  6. Are you trying to provoke some kind of racist c**p? I'm not falling for it.

  7. I think you are slightly off on your information.  Racial

    variation has only been around for l00,000 years, not necessarily the white race.  Racial variation is actually subjective.  There is very little variation in human beings of

    all races.  Racist views make it sound like there is a

    wide spectrum from being black to being white and

    everyone else is somewhere in between.  A totally wrong

    assumption predicated by subjective bigotry.  Our DNA

    is a composition of similar nucleic acids and arrangements.

    We all contain the same mitochondrial DNA just in various

    quantities to make things simple. There's no such thing as

    a modern race. You're description in itself could be taken

    as racist, since discoveries and industrialization was not

    a factor of race but of religion and environmental requirements for survival.

  8. I don't see a question mark in there, anywhere.

  9. The answer is A.

  10. Wat the heck? Let me guess you're gonna say white's are racist or something? Thats also racism......This isnt even a question so dont post it.

  11. What's your question?

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