The bloody sport of Bullfighting
Bullfighting is a traditional game of Spain, Greece and Portugal. People also play this game in some cities of southern France, Italy (Rome) and some of the American countries. Bullfighting is also called a “blood sport” because the bullfighters show a red cloth piece to bull to invite him to fight. The well-trained bulls also hit bullfighters by their horns and their tails. Usually, their tails do not work because they are not powerful enough to control it. The bullfighters run with a red cloth to make the bull fight after them; the bull in turn also runs after them to kill the person showing the red cloth.
Famous Bull Plaza of Spain
There is a bull plaza in Spain, where there is a bull statue. People go to the bull plaza to see the big and bulky black bull statue. The public is allowed to capture images and make videos with the statue. The bull plaza is very famous because the bullfighters visit here daily to contribute to the world of bullfighting.
The bull plaza also provides bullfighting-lovers an opportunity to take training in this sport. When they are trained enough, they go for a fight with a well-trained bull in the stadium before all the people. The workers in bull plaza find a confident person who can stand before the bull confidently with the red cloth in his hands and can fight with the bull. Many people go to Bull Plaza and sell some of their bulls to train them and use them in bullfights.
The Sport of Bullfighting
Some people make videos and images of bullfighting while the game is on. However, people get nervous while watching the battles because sometimes the bulls start hitting the people who come to watch battle if they are wearing red. This is because bulls hate the colour red.
The bull must be well-trained in fighting because it has to stand before the people and present a reasonable fight with the bullfighter. People who love bulls do not fight with them; rather they keep them as their pets.
Mithras (the rulers of Greece) hated bulls, so whenever they saw bulls, they killed them. Despite this, there are some bull-friendly laws in many areas of the world. For example in Portugal, it is illegal to kill a bull. Hence, they do not kill it after the battle; rather they take it to a vet to make it feel better. Then they use that bull again for another battle. The governments of France and Italy (only in Rome) have allowed showing a bull fight to the people when there is a religious festival or a royal wedding.
The French bullfighters have a unique way of bullfighting. They sit on a horse and show the bull a red cloth. After he shows it, the bull runs after the horse and the bullfighter makes the horse run faster. These bullfighters also wear red so that the bull can follow him without the red cloth.
A bull has the capacity to hit very hard. In a bullfight at Rome, a bull killed a young person after which his mother went to the President of Italy to protest. That was the first time when Italy’s president asked his security guards to kill that bull. In another incident, once the Barcelona city council held votes against bullfighting, but it could not get sufficient votes and therefore the sport of bullfighting continues to exist till date in Barcelona city and different parts of the world. In some areas of Spain, bullfighting is banned because the people there do not want to kill their innocent bulls!
There are a lot of stadiums for bullfighting in France, United States of America, Rome and Greece. The stadiums of bullfighting are usually full of spectators. The game is loved by many in different parts of the world. In many joy-lands all over the world, there are also bull-shaped rides which move very fast like a bull. It is called ‘bucking bull’. The ride is made on the pattern of this game.