
The bodies exhibit??? how was it??

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what was your favorite part? what was it like??? what was creepy? what was interesting??




  1. I liked the dude whose head was sliced from front to back and then spinning...very cool.  You could get right up in his face.  IThe whole thing was neat...but the baby room was a bit sad.

  2. It was FANTASTIC. I loved every bit of it. My favorite part was seeing each of the stages of a baby. Creepy but still cool.

  3. Gruesome, creepy, yet strangely fascinating.

    Creepy, because the many chinese folks in the plastination exhibit are rumoured to be political dissidents.

  4. fave was the guy on the horse (all Body Worlds exhibits are different...the one you'll see might not have that one).  I also thought it was a little overrated.  They all start to look the same after the 10th one or so.  One disappointment is there was no background info provided about the people.  I think knowing where they were from, how and when they died, how old they were, etc. would make it more interesting.  Overrated but still worth seeing!

  5. If you're talking about the exhibit from the Chinese government, it was creepy and further I am convinced those are/were political prisoners/dissidents who were killed by the government for their beliefs.

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