
The book The Secret?

by Guest44997  |  earlier

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do you believe in the power of thoughts? but then why do bad things happen, etc. and this could also mean you can make anything come true :) what's your opinion on this; thanx :)




  1. The more a person focus's on a bad thought, the more bad things will be picked up.  If a person was to appreciate what they have, more good stuff would be picked.  Majority of people think that the mind plays tricks on you, how can that be if your in control of your mind? When a person wants anything so bad, they will get it.

    I do believe in the power of the mind, he who dominates the mind, can dominate anything?

  2. simply it tells that there is a big difference between a wish and a purpose..if your wishes (dreams) become purposes (plans) they will turn into reality.



  3. Yes , I most certainly believe in the power of thoughts . It's evidence is everywhere . Like attracts like . What you feed your subconscious mind will manifest . Every thought is a cause and every condition effect .Man is what he thinks about all day long.

    "The Secret" merely re-emphasizes what Charles Haanel said about 100 years ago . one thing he said was:"Harmonious and desirous conditions are obtained by right thinking"; and "Discord,disharmony and lack & limitation are the result of wrong thinking".

  4. The Secret falls in the category of those recent spiritual movements which emphasize the law of attraction as the primary means to achieve happiness.

    First, we should be clear: the law of attraction is fact. It is an application of the principle of vibration, one of seven universal principles that manifest on the existential plane.  These principles are as follows: mentalism, correspondence, vibration, polarity, rhythm, cause and effect, and gender.  

    The law of attraction is actually an application of the greater law of vibration.  The idea is roughly the following: a person and the universe are in a closed-loop.  Thought is actually a vibration, and when you think certain thoughts, you are vibrating on certain frequencies.  These frequencies will harmonize with the universe, and over time achieve a concentration.  This is a little like the feedback loop that happens when you place a guitar next to an amplifier: the sounds keeps getting bigger.  Eventually the original thought crosses the threshold of subtle reality and becomes a manifested reality.  Actually, the description "attraction" is not very accurate, but in any case, this is the mechanics of it.

    Now, the problem is, the average person has a very confused mind.  This is evident to any person who meditates: by and large, the modern mind is jumbled, loud, busy, and unable to concentrate on any one thing for any length of time.  The law of vibration is most potent when the mind is extremely still and calm, like a lake in the morning.  In this stillness, when one begins to vibrate and sustains that vibration through one-pointed concentration, one can achieve the benefits of attraction.

    But only great sages are able to achieve these levels of skill.  And what is more, by the time most sages achieve these sorts of powers, they have long-ago realized such activity is meaningless.  The yogic powers are but silly tricks in comparison with the Truth, which eventually becomes the ultimate goal of all searchers.  

    So, in a nutshell, The Secret is not applicable to the vast majority of the populace.  Unfortunately the authors of The Secret have cashed in on a tiny portion of a vast spiritual doctrine: VERY irresponsible, if you ask me.

    Thoughts do have great power - and there is certainly a practical, useful application here - but The Secret makes it sound like magic, and it just isn't.

    I suggest instead gathering personal, experiential knowledge through introspective meditation, and practicing preliminary stages of vibration to transform negative emotions into positive emotions, NOT to manifest girlfriends and powerboats : )

  5. I don't believe in cheap tricks on how to succeed and trivial explanations about life. The Secret is a very unscientific book designed for materialistic people who want to cheat themselves (or others) to become rich. It has no spiritual depth or intellectual honesty. Use the power of your thoughts o solve real problems in life. Wishful thinking is for losers!

  6. "the book The Secret?' is a bunch of bulls#%t for the brain-dead, simplistic, without any original thoughts of their own, easily lead, sheep-like masses. That's my opinion!

  7. Thoughts DO have power.  What you believe really does affect the world around you, because you notice different things and make sense of them in different ways, depending on your beliefs.  

    However, it's not as simple as just thinking about what you want.  It's more about the thoughts that you always have, and most people are barely conscious of.  If you can learn to manipulate THOSE thoughts, you really can make almost anything come true.  

    (Of course, when it does come true, it's not necessarily quite like you would imagine it today.  On the other hand, you realize that it doesn't have to be quite the way you imaagined it.  The thing is, once you get to the point where you can really be in control of making things happen, you realize you don't really NEED to make anything happen.  You're able to enjoy everything that happens without trying to control it.)

    So what about bad things -- why do they happen?  In most cases it's because of fear and resistance.  When you fear something, you tend to give it a lot of thought (call it "worry").  Even when you consciously try NOT to think about it, you still wind up devoting a lot of your mental energy to the task.  So basically, because you're caught up in worrying about something, or trying to avoid it, or trying not to think about it, you're actually focusing on it.  Focusing on it will make it happen.  As soon as you begin to recognize it, you immediately react with fear and resistance.

    So my opinion of The Secret is that there is something to it, but it's a little too simplistic to be really effective.

  8. The Secret is a crock of S**t.

    It really is. I couldn't read the book or watch the movie (which we played in my english class). It's actually borderline retarded. Just because I wish for a 1,000,000 cheque doesn't mean I'll get one. Just because I think "Hey, my terminal illness will be cured" doesn't mean it will.

    "The Secret"  is selling lies, and I don't even know why people waste their money or hopes on it.

    The people who came up with this idea probably invested in some new kind of anti-depressant for people for their pharmacy, because once people realize that you can't write well and sell more books than harry potter just because you think it can there will be ALOT of depressed people.

    Sure, I can see why it may be "good" for some people, a "motivator" of sorts. But still, this theory of theirs just doesn't work.

    You want some real inspiration? Get out of your town, get out of your country, and see the WORLD. That's real inspiration to me, not crappy substitution for it.

    Rant over :)
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