
The bottom of my ribs stick out?(not skinny)?

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ok good thing you don't know me because I'm really self-conscious about my stomach. I'm 14 and I'm not skinny, but not overweight, but i defiantly could lose 10 or more pounds. Anyway as long as i can remember the end of my ribs stick out and it looks really weird. some people saw my stomach when i was changing for PE one time and this one girl said that it disgusting and she wanted to throw up :.[. anyway i just want to know if it is normal or not or if i have a disease because I can't ware tight shirts or a bathing suit.

as you can tell I'm really sensitive about it so please don't be harsh, i just want to know if it is normal? or what should i do to fix it?

sorry its so long




  1. Hello, I signed up just to answer you!

    The bottom of my ribs stick out as well whether I'm the 'right size' or a bit bigger. Its just our body shape! LOVE YOURSELF! Trust me there's no use stressing over it! ITS ALL ABOUT CONFIDENCE! When you're confident people are confident in you and there's nothing sexier.

    About the other rude girl, Its a teenage thing, that kind of attitude comes from being insecure (I know it cliche BUT ITS TRUE)

  2. First of all everybody's' body is different.  When I was in highschool I remember seeing that one of the girls lowest ribs stuck out much more than yours and I thought she might have got hurt or something.  It turned out that that's just how she was born and nothing was wrong.

    Your weight looks spot on.  Maybe you could tone up a bit but that is just doing crunches in the morning before school.

    Now about this girl who said it was disgusting - she mustn't go down the beach much or do any exercises or dancing involving the use of close fitting clothing because as I said in my first sentence every body IS different and I have seen MANY naked bodies in my nursing career.  It sounds like her behaviour is impulsive and she hasn't learnt to tone her voice down and not talk about people in their presence like that.  That's HER problem.

    Go ahead and wear tight tops and bathers and if she is around and makes a fool of herself again just pretend she is not there.  

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