
The boy's mom doesn't want to tell the dad where she and his son are living. what can he do?

by  |  earlier

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My bf and his ex divorced more than a year ago. They moved out from the house they were living, and now she doesn't want to tell him where they live, any phone number to call his son or where he is going to school unless he gives her some extra money besides the child support one.

I'm very concerned because even though i don't know that much about divorces and child support I think that what she is doing is totally wrong.

Any help with this?




  1. have him call a lawyer ASAP

  2. Well. If she was not granted full custody of the child in the divorce then he can call the police. She could be charged with child abduction.

  3. If there is a clause in the custody paperwork (which there usually is) issued by the courts stating that they must keep each other informed of all necessary living information then she's in contempt of the court order and he needs to get in to have the problem addressed by the judge.

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