
The burn I got at work, the burn bubble, well one of them popped?

by Guest45059  |  earlier

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From my last post, I told the whole story, and thanI posted again what to do if it pops but the sanswers were dumband not helpful, so im gonna post it again. my mom doesnt know i have these burn bubbles on me, but sometimes if u walk they are irritating, and at night one of them popped half way. i have another big one, and freaked out if it pops when im awake. and i have no cream to help it, will it get infected? i dont want to tell my mom of this. and i wont even if u tell me too. and it still has the hurt. what do i do? am i okay? or will it get infected, if i dont treat these burns. and what type of infections could happen.




  1. i used to get them when i cooked, they are going to pop so it's inevitable, it's probably going to hurt a little but just clean it w/ soap and try to keep it wrapped so it stays clean, it should heal in a week or so after it pops

  2. Why don't you want to tell your mom? I mean, what's she going to do? Take you to the doctor so you can get proper, accurate medical advice and perhaps a prescription antibacterial cream or antibiotics?

    Which is what you should do; burns and blisters, and especially broken blisters, have a nasty tendency to get infected. You shouldn't be taking medical advice about something potentially serious from a bunch of people online. Broken blisters are gateways for infection: an opening into a moist environment. Bacteria love moist environments. As to the types of infection, that depends on what types of bacteria are hanging around.

  3. Wash it and put a plaster on it. It will heal. If you are concerned, i suggest you see your doctor or nurse for a check. You need the plaster to act as a barrier to protect it while it heals into a scab.

  4. You should have it checked out. It needs to have some kind of cream on it and be covered. The skin from the bubble popping needs to be removed because it can cause infection. If your burn starts to get a green color to it you need to have it treated right away that means infection. Burns can get infected very easily.

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