
The car that I bought does not have airbags can I sue the seller?

by  |  earlier

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I bought a salvage car online last mounth from TX (I live in CA) but when I took it to CHP it failed because of airbag problems so I took it to a bodyshop and they opened the car there were no airbags at all and the suircets were all cut out and the airbag light was painted black so it wouldn't show when the light is on. Can I sue this person?




  1. No because it was a salvage vehicle and it was your responsibility to check this out before you purchased the vehicle, this is a true "AS-IS" vehicle.

  2. What part of Salvage Car don't you understand.

    In most states a "salvage" car can never be made roar worthy and tagged.

  3. It was up to you to thoroughly check out the vehicle.'re loss.

  4. You got owned.

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