
The case of Walter Smith

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everywhere you read today on the internet, even the loyal site of Follow Follow there are cries of Get walter out...followed by cries of and Murray too

This happened to WGS as you all remind us ...what do you think the chances are of

A walter walking or being sacked?

B Murray cutting his losses and running?

C Ally walking?

genuine answers only.. and before that fool with the fenian name comes on ...don't bother..I have spat out better




  1. Walter Smith wont be going anywhere, he is in that bracket of immortality. He is a decent honest manager, had i been a Rangers fan i would want to know why he is reluctant to play Boyd from the start, why he continues to adopt negative tactics. etc etc. that is the very least the Ibrox faithfull deserve answers to. He may have his personal reasons but if the fans dont know then they wont understand. This is going to be a long hard season now and the pressure that he is going to feel will be immense

  2. and to think not so long ago they were asking about getting him a knighthood now it is the celtic fans that are asking for it strange is it not?????


    Check this out. Its pretty obvious what this fool wants

  4. A B OR C wont happen

    is this what your on about ???

    cos i only read about a fan asking questions?????

    i dont see any cries for walters head

    your claim was that the follow follow site was screaming "get walter out " which is a load of bollocks

  5. no the decent fans will not be calling for his head lasrt night was gutting but we are not the first and not the last team this has happened to...his team selection has been pretty off so i think he needs to look at that..why bring our best striker on with 5 mins to go is beyond i said last night the people calling for his head can bolt and support another team...maybe this season he will get the league and we all adore him again..these things happen x

    haha da ..told ye we would put you on you tube...:-)

  6. If any of the 3 had an ounce of courage they would walk.No one in the team last night could be called a "Rangers Player" The boss's should be ashamed that they have no players better than these.

  7. Morning mrs,

    Pretty sure some fans will snap out the hypnotic trance created down Govan way. As for your q i'll go for B.

    Here's the sack Walter petiton taken straight from FF last night by a Timposter. Like I said, it's been hijacked since.

    Danny that video is magnificent!!!! Permarage in full display there ;-)

  8. cant believe him saying "I NEW IT WOULD HAPPEN",its his job to put a motivated winning team on the park,as for the fans response on here was ther not a Q not so long ago with a video clip,featuring Celtic V Bratislava and the caption is th e most embarassing moment in scottish football,any chance off them updating that now.

  9. In Walter they trust adele!

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