
The cheerleader try out is tomorrow and what do you have to do on the try out???

by  |  earlier

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what do you have to do on the cheerleader try out???? i can't do anything that a cheerleader can do. should i try to be a cheerleader?????

for the tryout, we have to write a paper on why do i want to be a cheerleader, what qualities do you have to be a cheerleader, what idea do you have for the cheer squad, what idea do you have to help promote school spirit this year, what do you thing you are really good at, and what experience do you have in cheer, dance and etc......

should a be one????? i don't know anything




  1. from asking this question, it seems as though you want to be a cheerleader, so whether or not anyone on here answers if you should or should not be one, shouldn't matter :)  we can, however, advise on preparedness.

    you may look at them and think that you couldn't possibly do the things they do, but cheerleaders are able to do what they do because they've had plenty of practice and keep it up on a daily basis.

    on a very basic level, flexibility is a must.  it is hard for me to decipher whether or not you're prepared for tomorrow's tryouts because i don't know where you stand as far as experience goes, with tumbling and flexibility.  though a lot of schools don't require that you take some sort of tumbling/gymnastics class for the stunts the cheerleaders perform, it wouldn't hurt to have such experience under your belt.

    i agree with another one of the answerers that if you physically don't feel prepared for the tryouts tomorrow, the definite plus to that is that you have a whole year to tryout for the team next year, prepared with all the answers that you need for the essay portion as well as the physical conditioning.

    if this is something you really want, go for it! we know you can do it! let us know how it turns out!!


  2. Did they offer a clinic first? Most schools give you a few days to learn and work on cheers and dances etc. As for the questions, just think them over carefully and answer them as honestly and clearly as you can,

    If you want tips for how to try out, go here:

  3. practice your toe touch and side and front splits and you should be ready but if you still can't do those things go to try outs anyways beacuse you just might lurn something new and then you might get on the squad next year...

    PS: don't give up if this is truly what you want to do make it happen...

    goog luck...

  4. your gonna need to know at least some basic cheers and moves.

    good luck

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