I know everyone has been debating this for a few hours and i'm not a die-hard, kill everyone american, but i will cheer for our team. I do believe than Sacramone was ripped off by the judges on this one.
And don't you go all neo-n**i on me about how the scoring system works (which i think is a horrible system and is way to difficult to start with). I understand that the china kid had a higher difficulty. But don't you think that people seeing this, especially kids, are thinking that if they do mediocre they will get one of the highest honors in sports. I mean, these people are suppose to be the GREATEST athletes in the world. When i see someone land a vault and get an ok score, and then i see someone fall and get a better score, i feel ridiculous.
I don't care if you were doing a harder flip-twist-somersault. I'm not going to say judging is unfair, but if you can't land it, i don't think you should get the medal. Difficulty should count, but if you can't run down that mat, hit the vault, and make that landing, you shouldn't be the one on the podium.