
The chinese land a knee on vault and still medal?

by Guest34268  |  earlier

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I know everyone has been debating this for a few hours and i'm not a die-hard, kill everyone american, but i will cheer for our team. I do believe than Sacramone was ripped off by the judges on this one.

And don't you go all neo-n**i on me about how the scoring system works (which i think is a horrible system and is way to difficult to start with). I understand that the china kid had a higher difficulty. But don't you think that people seeing this, especially kids, are thinking that if they do mediocre they will get one of the highest honors in sports. I mean, these people are suppose to be the GREATEST athletes in the world. When i see someone land a vault and get an ok score, and then i see someone fall and get a better score, i feel ridiculous.

I don't care if you were doing a harder flip-twist-somersault. I'm not going to say judging is unfair, but if you can't land it, i don't think you should get the medal. Difficulty should count, but if you can't run down that mat, hit the vault, and make that landing, you shouldn't be the one on the podium.




  1. Bottom line is that it is a numbers game.

    Her 2 vault average was higher.

    Oh well!

  2. she was ripped off because losers like you live in the country she represents

  3. Rich B makes no sense whatsoever, that's not even what we're talking about.

    Anyway, yes, she did the worst of all the girls. She should have been last place in that event.

  4. I think you make a valid point, however, the system for gymnastics isn't based on one single vault, its an average of scores. So the Chinese did better in previously attempts and that somewhat compensated for her final debacle.  

  5. Well "that China kid" didn't get the gold so she will probably "dissapear mysteriously" anyway.  I wouldn't worry too much about it

  6. I totally agree with you. Alicia was way better. For Christ's sake how can someone who fell get a better score than another who did everything right. That's ridiculous. The gymnastics officials in Beijing need to learn how to judge performances properly. My heart goes out to Alicia.

  7. When they moved to this new system, they did increase the deduction for falls (it's now 0.80 instead of 0.50).  The aim was to discourage people from throwing crazy skills just to get higher difficulty.  But maybe they should increase it even more.  Maybe up to one full point?

  8. She fkn medaled! No Way! Omg I should get into the olympics do a summersalt and i could get gold! I can't believe Alicia Sacramone got a lower score than that girl that landed on her knees omg this is ridiculous,  

  9. The scores for the Chinese were inflated.  Sacramone was totally raped.  At least Fei landed on her *** during floor finals.

  10. Well I would hope you'd cheer for OUR team, why wouldn't you? This is the epitome of this horrible American syndrome which is the UN-popularity of pride - let alone patriotism. These atheletes have nothing to do with politics or policy; they represent thier own talents, and the country that has provided them with the ability to pursue their dreams. The fact that you feel the need to qualify your support for your country's olympic athletes stands in complete opposition to the core of Olympic spirit.

    Obviously this lack of Olympic spirit pales in comparison to the idiot who posted a derogatry remark concerning the medalist's country of origin. What a sad state of affairs...

    -response to anonymous below-

    **I know full well the topic of conversation, and I wholeheartedly agree that there was something "off" about the judging in that final. My comment addresses a much more fundamental problem.**

  11. i personally find that fishy

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