
The cold light of day arrives...could you imagine the British press if England won the Rugby Cup Final?

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The conceit would not be only overpowering...but in their own way, would wind up the less intelligent English to abuse South Africans either at university, or who are immigrants (legal that is). Never to we lost, I'm sure a couple of the red-tops will hint at the - er - political history of South Africa in a pseudo-educational manner just to show us that they may be good at rugby...but were nasty boogers.




  1. SO what you're saying nativexile is that it's OK for SA to celebrate the way they want in their press but if the English press choose not to deride their team it's not OK?  Now THAT smacks to me of conceit - most English people do not like the press in fact most people don't like their press in their own country so don't single out England... SA were given a good game by England and it wasn't the walkover many predicted.

  2. I suspect that the papers will be calling for the manager's head for losing in the final, when he managed to turn the team around following the defeat to South Africa in the group stages to beat Austrailia and France before losing in this last game (which you couldn't describe as a thrashing)

    I'm sure 99% of the immigrant issues exist only in an alternative world inhabited by the Daily Mail and Sun

  3. The press would have been as bad if not worse than 2003, it was a dream then and everyone belived that we would do it, this time its more of a shock that we got so far.

  4. they have already won this Cup. So we know what the Press would write. Like last time. Well done again.

  5. and why not.england has lost its pride these days in anything. it does.why not shout about it but dont take to much notice of all the hype that would have been in the papers.because these are the same papers that were slagging then off after the 1 south africa game.

  6. Er, What about the SA press this morning?

  7. REAL men play American Football!



    oh, hey, England has illegal immigrants too?? I like your attitude toward them, The Liberals here get mad when I say bad things about OUR illegals...wait, are you a liberal.....

    what was that about boogers???

  8. Oh Boy can you imagine!? I mean they lost the match but if you read the British press and most internet blogs on rugby you would swear they had won. Thank goodness we can rely on the scoreline to decide for ourselves. I don't think the English realise how overbearing their press can be. Although I admire the english for their national pride and their bulldog approach of "never say die" the English press are something else. Conceit is the right word to describe them, conceit in victory and conceit in defeat, conceit between the lines, and conceit in their lines.

  9. unbearable

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