
The common ailments of circulatory system?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i dont no!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. haha!!!! JEJEMON OH! jejemons a show off .... boastful...... peace!!!!.kakanyan kc kau eh ...tabalu nanung panabyan

  3. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........................................zzzzzzzzzzzzzz00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    .......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............

  4. high blood suck your d**k

  5. xowie!!??..,bAt i d0nt kn0w dA AnSwer,.hmpt,.Another quEsti0n pls,.!

  6. f**k u all

  7. hjfdfghjtuusuwehduedrfthy6tjiolo9trf4t9\;l]'];\; cjriretl;cgR?tTUtFSf'dlfoko gr[ytty\re
    wGrtrYTU >FTR>YT>UYTU>H>U$#>$IUTH$%KTG$%TG$#% $Y@#T%T%#GR#GRHJ@G#RJ#$r#G4jr\'gb4t5r';t. .4RHH$#.4GRYTIU#$/tr#U$G%43r3GTjh3Gt/hewh;gtjmewh;rl lrtlhj34guym3yltu3,y43tery4uytryt34r3tyr4;twye;rtf;wetr;w;ee;r;gfdc;ncs;ndcb;dwc;dw;gdwg;dwf;dshg;d;d; ;d;ghdssdf;gfds;gfd;fgdgfldsgfldsfgdldlffglsgfhlgfdslfdsfgldsfgldsfgdsfgsdfgldfglfdlflflfdfgdfgsdgfdsgfdsfgdfgfggf nbjhnpowi[eh\ai0o 0ipugao iouru yr 0iut h08\absiduiutdxrhes575454545577574554545645465464646545345646545745645636455645j64 f56ghf456g456g46465gf 456 4f5f4g5f4 54 54f5tf6g45 54f 5y4g5 45f45g454fc5 45dc4f54c5 45 45c4fg5 45 rt45fdx4cf5 45 fc45fc 45cf45f 45f 4 f4f g45fd 54 45fd45fd 5 d55454545454545454554545

  8. an0h simtomas ni2

  9. high blood pressure
    heart attack
    rheumatic heart fever
    palpitation or irregular heartbeats

  10. because that we eat

  11. this not what i mean.......I have a question what is the common ailment of the nervous system????

  12. rheumatic heart disease=a very common ailment or disease among children caused by a bacterial infection called streptococcus in the throat.minor infection of the respiratory system should not be taken for may lead to a much more serious condition which is the rheumatic heart disease........having a rheumatic heart is very hard.........its true my father has one...

  13. wat are circulatory aliements

  14. what are the common ailments of blood desease

  15. symptoms of circulatory system

  16. what are the common ailments affecting the circulatory system?

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