
The company I worked for is doing a lot of illegal things

by  |  earlier

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Me and my ex-work mates are extremely unhappy with the company we worked for. Some of us worked few months, some like me, a couple of years. Now he is refusing to pay us for a few months now, and some staff already left without being paid.

We are thinking of just saying good-buy to our hard-earned money and moving on with our lives, as it seems to be the easiest option.

However, this kind of attitude of the owner of the business is not acceptible, and I think this cannot go on without being punished, as he will carry on doing the same to other people.

So, we were thinking is there any other way of punishing him?

He did a lot of things against the law. He doesn't pay taxes on staff, doesn't have anybody registered on the payroll, pais less than minimum wages, never pays on time, not even suppliers, does not comply with health and safety rules, etc. Plus, as a person he is completely unreasonable and insane, bullying, harrassing, abusive, always contradicts himself, and screams at every opportunity.

The question is: Is there any way he could be banned from running a business? As he is completely insane and mentally unfit, and generally dishonest person.




  1. Well, really you put up with it for a couple of years, it certainly served your purpose. There's no need to try to get your own back nowyou'vee left. Let sleeping dogs lie - someone will grass him up sooner or later or he will get found out.

    Keep your nose clean, get on with your life and be thankful that job kept you going for as long as it did.

  2. go to the police, preferably gather some evidence to take, so it's not just disgruntled employees also see if any of your colleagues will go too.

    I don't know about US but in UK someone can be banned from being a company director for such action (i think, but defo can for bankruptcy)

  3. That's one big list of sins there. Why does anyone work there after knowing that? Depriving his business of employees is the surest and fastest way to 'ban' him from running a business.

  4. The department of works and pensions in the UK

    they would be more than happy to investigate him... and any other "employer" who utilises the use of immigrant workers ILLEGALLY

    As for not conforming to Health and Safety regulations - that would be a matter for The HSE (Health & Safety Executive) who have more powers than the police! Especially if injuries have occured.

    saying that ...

    he has probably taught a lot of people a good lesson!

    Not to come over here in the vain hope of sending money back home as many of his employeesare more than likely illegal immigrants and have to accept below minimum wage to work in a country they dont belong in.

    Not that any of them pay towards our economy any how!

    You could on the other hand serve some good old fashioned british justice to him.... by tvvatting him witha cricket bat!.... but hey, you weren't man enough to stand up to him when he was your "employer"

    why now???

  5. I've read some of the other answers and if you want to cause a rapid response to your problems, the following areas seem to have higher priority with the authorities.

    Non-payment of VAT

    Recruiting illegal immigrants.

    Not having employment equal opportunities, try the race relations body.

    I worked for a similar shark company in my early days, they always paid us in arrears towards the middle of the following month. All the key professional staff handed in  their notice on the same day to teach them a lesson.

    They were real sharks, a lorry loaded up with the firms weekly production mysteriously vanished over one weekend, only the managing director who unlocked and locked up each day had a key to the yard gate.

  6. Where do you live?  Call some lawyers, some of them give free advice over the phone.  I'm sure there's a government prosecutor who'll talk to you about the case as well.

  7. I would turn him in, it's losers like him that make the rich richer and the poor poorer, if he has no respect for you and his other staff, he should not be running a business. Grass him up!

  8. Turn that company and the owner over to the State.  This is in fact very illegal.........not paying wages, and not paying payroll taxes, etc.  There should be a site on the State Government page of who you could contact, or an office to contact, etc.  Good Luck

  9. If you live in the US, an employer MUST pay you within 13 days of the end of your pay period.

    A labor attorney would be foaming at the mouth for your case.

  10. you could grass him up to the inland revenue

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