
The complete Bible?

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  1. The reason you see a differents in the others, is that they were not inspired by God.  They can be used to look at history around that time.  But, the bible which has the 66 books are what God inspired, and canonized.  Significance of canonicity “If the Scriptures are indeed inspired by God then a significant question arises: Which books are inspired? Historically, it was important for the people of God to determine which books God had inspired and which ones were recognized as authoritative”.  Difference between inspiration and canonicity “Inspiration indicates how the Bible received its authority, whereas canonization tells how the Bible received its acceptance. It is one thing for God to give the Scriptures their authority, and quite another for men to recognize that authority”. Original meaning The original meaning of “canon” can be traced to the ancient Greeks who used the term in a literal sense. To them, a kanon was a rod, ruler, staff or measuring rod. Thus, a kanon was a standard for measurement. This literal meaning provided the basis for a later, extended use of the term. The word eventually was extended to mean a rule or standard for anything.  Determining the canon Who or what determined which books were canonical? God determines the Canon Canonicity is determined by God. A book is not inspired because men made it canonical; it is canonical because God inspired it. Thus, canonicity is determined by inspiration. Distinction between determination and discovery Understanding canonicity involves two related but separate issues: 1) Canonicity is determined by God and 2) Canonicity is discovered by man. A failure to keep this distinction leads to confusion. How a book received its authority is determined by God. How men discover and recognize that authority is another matter altogether. Many of the canonical books were received into the canon shortly after they were written. Moses’ writings were considered as authoritative while he was still living (Deut. 31:24-26). Daniel accepted Jeremiah’s book as canonical (Dan. 9:2). Peter considered Paul’s letters to be Scripture (2 Peter 3:15-16).  Hebrew language determines canonicity Hitzig (ca. 1850) believed the use of the Hebrew language was the Jewish test for canonicity. However, books such as Ecclesiasticus, Tobit, and 1 Maccabees were rejected even though they were composed in Hebrew.  Agreement with the Torah (Law) determines canonicity The Torah, though, is not the standard of canonicity (though all canonical books will agree with the Torah). Plus, Jewish fathers believed their Talmud and Midrash agreed with the Torah, but they were never believed to be canonical. Religious value determines canonicity The very fact that a book is canonical guarantees that it will have religious value. But religious value does not necessarily make a book canonical. Many books with religious value have been written that have not been accepted into the Bible. The Church determines canonicity (often associated with Roman Catholicism) According to this view, the church determines the canonicity of the books of the Bible. A book is canonical because the church declares it to be so. (It must also be noted that since the Roman Catholic Church sees itself as the determiner of the canon, it sees itself as having an authority to interpret the books of the canon that others do not have.) The following points, however, argue against this view:

    a. God determines whether a book is inspired and thus canonical—churches and councils do not. Men do not determine which books are canonical. God does. God gives the books of the Bible their divine authority. God’s people recognize this authority but they do not determine its authority.  Canon determined immediately The books of the Bible became canon the moment they were written. They did not need to wait for the church’s sanction to become canon. They were canon the moment they were written.

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