I went to this restaurant in the food court of Carrefour Alex, gave my order, and took a number as usual.. after about 10 minutes the guy started calling a different number, so I didn't bother.. although I noticed it was similar to my order.. after a while I went to him, and asked him if he was sure of the number cuz obviously nobody responded to him.. he said "well yours is 217.. I am calling for 225".. ok.. I waited again.. and then couldn't help but going back to his supervisor who found that there was an error in the machine.. but what made me burst in their faces was the answer of that waiter,, he said "You took the wrong number".. I couldn't hold my temper anymore.. although a simple "sorry for the inconvenience" could have finished it.. Do you think there is a possibility that one day the Egyptians will understand the meaning of the word "service"? (It's been more than 4000 years already)