
The conflict between victims and grave PP reaches Ordonez

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Next to a grave, Gregorio Ordonez hostilities Thursday staged a sector of victims of terrorism remains with the dome of the Basque PP. On a gray afternoon, under a light rain and a climate of high tension, the sister of popular mayor murdered 19 years ago by ETA, Consuelo Ordonez, president of Covite not resisted reproach to the main party leaders I have distanced Euskadi speech he defended his brother in life and adopt a softer position against ETA terrorism.

The disagreements come back, but the staging and the date is now producing 19 - the anniversary of the murder of Gregorio OrdÃ_ñez- have given greater public resonance. Everything has exploded to match the same day with an hour - separation - wreath that Gregorio OrdÃ_ñez Foundation held annually in San Sebastián Polloe cemetery and honor the victims yesterday that the PP prepared elsewhere in the Gipuzkoa capital. If it was already strained relationship between Consuelo Ordonez and current address of the PP, the anniversary of the council has only aggravated the wounds and confirm that represent two opposing sensibilities about managing the end of ETA.

The tribute to Ordonez has historically been a ceremony family and PP leaders went hand in hand. Thursday did not happen. On the contrary, there was a glaring gap demonstrates the lack of harmony between the two. The president of Covite, closer to defending the thesis that come Jaime Mayor Oreja and Maria San Gil, was surrounded by Rubén Miigica, UPyD, and Santiago Abascal, driver of Vox, the new formation driven by disgruntled ex-militants with this PP party. In his background remained the president of the Basque PP, Arantza Quiroga, who came to the cemetery accompanied by all his team - Iñaki Oyarzabal, Borja Semper Leopoldo Barreda and Laura Garrido, among others, in addition to the government delegate in the Basque Country, Carlos Urquijo, and popular spokesman in Congress, Alfonso Alonso. Maite also attended Pagazaurtundua, former president of the Victims of Terrorism Foundation.

The event was preceded by much controversy. Ordonez reported that the PP had " vetoed " to intervene in the event for the victims organized by the party. "It's a paripé. If you do not want to intervene because they do not like what we say, I will not, "said the leader of Covite, adding that" it is indecent partisanship do with the victims. " Given this charge, Oyarzabal justified the decision not to give a voice to OrdÃ_ñez because "it is the PP" and also called for the vote to UPyD in the fundraising of autonomic 2012. The training, he explained, had invited the widow to act OrdÃ_ñez, Ana Iribar, although outside of Spain, and Consuelo Ordonez told them that would come only if he could give a speech on the spot.

Not the first time that the two opposing sectors in the Basque PP air their differences. Last October, in the presence of former Prime Minister José MarÃ_a Aznar, MarÃ_a San Gil spared no criticism of the new leadership of the party in the Basque Country, which criticized, among other things, " he live quite normally " with " BILDU - ETA ", which was like " democrats ". These statements have caused deep unease in Quiroga.

Old quarrels that resurfaced yesterday in one of the most marked for the match days. Consuelo Ordonez charged against the policy of PP with very serious faces of their leaders. He used testimonies of his brother, Antonio Basagoiti, MarÃ_a San Gil, Jaime Mayor, Esperanza Aguirre Mariano Rajoy and self. He criticized the "legalization" of Amaiur, Sortu BILDU and the release of sick ETA Iosu Uribetxebarria Bolinaga and removal of the Government of the victims of terrorism, "Do not listen to victims and despises." And to close the act left in the air a message to the leaders of the PP: " If at some point in my speech anyone was uncomfortable, a question is asked: Is Consuelo Ordonez which is bothering them or are their consciences on the day which is honoring the soul of the Basque PP?. "

After the wreath, Quiroga came to greet Consuelo Ordonez, who kept a few words in " a much more friendly tone during the speech," according to sources assured after PP. Also chatted with Oyarzabal and Semper, who was pointing his index finger, he snapped: "To you I will give, but well also."

After passing this " uncomfortable trance " as one attendee, the dome of the popular Basque addressed the Kursaal, where Quiroga claimed the " civic courage " they have shown the positions of the PP in the Basque Country in the fight against ETA, "No can come to give us lessons of any kind, nor reproach anything. "

Without referring at any time to debate opened with a sector of victims of terrorism, the president of the Basque PP said " only from the pettiness and the miserable political interest can doubt the history of men and women" of his party. So lamented that " civic courage of the Basque PP [ is being ] sullied by a few, here and there, without any sensitivity, without any respect."

During the tribute three videos were shown, the first of which was dedicated to Gregorio OrdÃ_ñez reviewing current issues such as the reintegration of prisoners and the legitimization of terrorism. It also spent another on Miguel Angel Blanco and a third reminding all popular killed by ETA.

 Tags: Conflict, grave, Ordonez, PP, reaches, victims


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