
The control of pollution requires the concerted effort of individuals, nations and international bodies?

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needing a little help for my essay? any references?




  1. Although I don't like pollution, I also generally love to kick the anti pollution "green" warrior johnny come lately idiots in the butt. Mainly because we never needed chicken little to run around and point out the pollution once we got the movement started back in the 70's. Everyone did their part, made concessions, tightened standards, started ad campaigns and pollution awareness infomercials. And in time, things started getting better, things started changing. So todays movement consists of the people that have always been a part of the movement, and the new and useless people that are running about frantically thinking the world is gonig to end tomorrow all because Al Gore told them that.

    But, to answer the question;

    What one spew's into the air and water eventually spreads elsewhere. Some countries consider 12 miles the cut off for international waters, and therefore dump trash and waste over the side. In America this also happens from Navy ships, aircraft excess fuel, and various other sources, but OSHA generally defines what kind of trash and how far out you have to be from any land.

    Air quality is a little different since you can't control the wind and how fast it goes, so if say China dumps tons of arsenic in the air, eventually it will spread out and thin out to a particular concentration all over the globe.

    That was one of the reason's why the US didn't sign the Kyoto accord, the most polluting nations weren't going to be hindered by it therefore it was pretty useless.

    Its also been proven that after industrialization, a country generally tends to clean itself up by itself...(without Al Gore).. because the more technologically advanced and sophisticated the society the more conscious they are about changing things for the better.

    But look at the problems we have. Sure, air and water quality in the worse place in America is still better than any 3rd world nation. But the fish in sushi bars and markets across the country are tainted with mercury at levels higher than the FDA has prescribed. I know mercury use to be used in the old days in the logging industry, but things have changed alot since then. So where is this new source of mercury contamination coming from ?

    Many such concerns like this exist, and as they are found, answers and action will be pending to fix it.

    But we inevitablly will need the cooperation of all countries in the world to improve their technologies so they don't pollute as much, to industrialize with caution, and cooperate with the other countries...especially the one's like the US who was once there and had to do things the hard way because we were among the first to do so. But now we have better and cleaner ways.

    But I can't see us handing over this new cleaner technology to a country that is stubborn and has human rights violations even to this day. The spirit of cooperation has to thrive and be nurtured.


    Marissa here. :D hahaha noob.

  3. HAHAHA. nicole noob luh!

    You know what, i think im gonna help you. :)

    I definately agree that The control of pollution requires the concerted effort of individuals, nations and international bodies because everyone has to work together, as an individual on its own is is too mere and small, and a country, no matter how big it is, is to small to control pollution on its own.

    ACTUALLY. its my own answer. but im just saying. (:

    good luck!

  4. everyone needs to help to make the world pollution free people can start by turning off lights and be power efficient.

    Is this any help?

  5. Omg, cheater! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Kelly hereeee. :D

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