
The conventions are over,who will you be voting for?

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After seeing major parts of both conventions I feel much better about voting for McCain and Palin.John MCCain spoke very eloquently,but most importantly to me he addressed some important issues such as energy,education,and lower taxes.I feel he did a good job.I also felt that he is definitely more capable of leading because of his extensive military and government history.What about you?Have you made up your mind?Respectful answers please I just want a simple answer-Mccain , Obama,or undecided.GOD-bless




  1. Mccain/Palin

  2. I can't vote because I am Australian but I would vote for Obama because McCain uses 9/11 like Hitler used the Reichstag Fire to condone limits on your constitution and using torture.

  3. Obama

  4. Ron Paul

  5. Undecided, waiting for debates...

  6. Sarah Palin...oh...McCain too.

  7. McCain

  8. John McCain and Sarah Palin

    It's a whole new ball game now.

    Even the media is covering BOTH campaigns at the same time now. What a concept...equality

  9. McCain/Palin 2008

  10. McCain

  11. Obama/Biden, As a 21 year old female, I am going to actually live to see the world change, and I want it to be sooner than later, I understand why everyone votes for one person over the other, it's all personal reasons, you're parents that want different things for education or elderly wanting certain things for social security, but I do think it's time we stop looking at it that way, this is a country that's being run in the small scheme of things, we are all part of this world and I'm sorry but I rather not bomb everyone just because they have different views, we keep going in and bullying everyone, no wonder they hate us, we say UNITED STATES or NOTHING, that's sounds like bigotry.  When I have children I rather them grow up in a world that accepts one another regardless of geographic differences.  Ok I don't want to keep rambling on but here's some questions I would like to raise, why does it matter where your born... isn't that pure chance anyway?  And how come we make such a fuss about immigrants from Mexico but if someone wanted to come over from Canada they would be let right through... you no they have places in Canada where you can get a US passport as easily as you could get it in the US? What makes Canadians so special?   Is it because most of them are fair skinned?  It's not like they all speak English so if anyone brings that up it's not a valid argument.  Ok, I'm done now feel free to tell me I'm young and naive but I rather be that than old and stubborn... and God Bless you all too.  Liberals can be Christians too ;)

  12. God bless you, too!

    McCain/Palin 2008

  13. Senator John McCain.

  14. Obama. Even if I had thought for one milisecond that I liked McCain, that went out the window when Palin came into the race. She is a scary woman.

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