
The cornea of my eye has a defect or something?

by  |  earlier

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Ever since I can remember, the color from the cornea of my left eye has a small section where it actually comes out of the circle of the cornea. It doesn't hurt or anything, but I happened to notice it the other day and it seems that more color is in the white of my eye. Has anyone ever experienced this or heard of it?? Why is it like that?




  1. I talked about eyestrain and headaches before as a function of (1) squinting, and (2) of ciliary muscle strain or spasm, but there are other situations involving eyestrain.

    Probably at least 5% of patients have some kind of undiagnosed, subclinical problem with binocular fusion. When the vision in one eye suddenly becomes impaired, the fusion ability becomes disrupted, and it may take some time for the visual system to find equilibrium - if ever. In situations where the dominant eye suffers a disruption of vision - as in a poor LASIK outcome or unsuccessful monovision - the poor visual input is difficult or impossible to suppress. Either the patients sees a blurry image superimposed on a clear image, a secondary image from double vision, or visual confusion. By visual confusion, I mean rivalry between the two eyes.

    In treating patients with binocular vision disorders, such as strabismus associated with amblyopia (lazy eye), the order of treatment requires that the amblyopia be treated first. In other words, the vision must be equalized in both eyes before successful binocular vision can occur. The same holds true with post-RS patients. The images must be equalized first. One of the more common subclinical binocular vision disorders is convergence insufficiency. This can easily become more manifest in the absence of equal acuity, as would occur following unsuccessful LASIK. Latent strabismus patients who can otherwise achieve binocular fusion at least part of the time, will invariably break down under conditions of unequal vision, such as occurs with monovision.

    If a patient cannot tolerate monovision, sometimes the problem can be resolved with reading glasses, wherein the monovision eye has a minus lens and the distance eye has a plano lens with no power. Unfortunately, this can also introduce a disruption to the fusional mechanism by creating an image size imbalance. Also, the same rule of equal visual acuity applies here as well. The image size imbalance can be resolved by using a contact lens instead of spectacles. An additional property of the contact lens is that it can resolve most of the RS-induced aberrations.

  2. well I'm not real sure what you're saying about color. I have a bit of discolor on my eye and have been told it's from prolong sun exposure and I know many people who have this. It's not dangerous and I don't think many people notice it....What does your optometrist say?

    Well that's certainly different, my guess would be if it doesn't bother you it's probably not a problem, but you know..."an ounce of prevention".

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