
The cost of living this year is outta site! Will our Social Security cost of living raise keep up??

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The cost of living this year is outta site! Will our Social Security cost of living raise keep up??




  1. Not likely since any raise in Social Security will be offset by a raise in fees for Medicare, as usual.

  2. No.  Those who relied on SS were blind, it's been obvious for years that the pyramid scheme was not working.  Regardless of who wins in November SS is doomed.  Start making other plans for yuor retirement now.  I worked for myself all my life and am thankful I don't have to live on a pittance that will slowly disappear over the next decade.

  3. No.

    It is the Socialist's cure for the excessive spending. Let inflation pay the bills with cheaper money.

    Ever wonder why the Democrats reject all efforts to resolve the Socialist Security problem?  -  You just found the reason why.

  4. SOD ALL you social security skivers.....leaches on society.

  5. Don't hold your breath. When has the SS cost of living EVER kept up with the actual cost of living.

    I'm behind every year. My rent always goes up per month more than the cost of living raise.

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