
The country is heading for recession, is it time we pulled out from unnecessary (expensive) wars?

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Those that say reconstruction of these countries is good for the economy, you seem to be forgetting that WE pay for that aswell. Derr




  1. The problem is that whilst wars are expensive - they are also very lucrative.  Who do you think is rebuilding these countries and repairing and creating new infrastures after they are destroyed?  That would be the very same people who started the war in the first place.  

  2. Sounds like a plan to me, and perhaps they can stop giving our money away to all and sundry and spend some of it on their own nation, too much to ask I suppose.Thats what happens when a muppet is in charge.

  3. From all the oil they've sold, Iraq has enough money to pay for their own reconstruction.  

  4. No idea but I should pull out of buying things from Amazon and shopping for the latest CDs!!!!!

  5. The time for that was about 4 years ago.

    Betty Z. How do you come to that conclusion. There are no wars in Europe and if you check a BRITISH history book you will find that the USA only came into the 2nd WW at the end, when Britain and her allies had won most of the battle. The US feared its own invasion

    You joined in to help yourselves, not us. READ A BRITISH HISTORY BOOK. You'll get the truth there. Not censcored sh*t that they teach you in American Schools.

    Britain won the war. America lent a hand.

    Do you even know where Europe is?

  6. Too late now  .  you pay..  they will spend  it all and more .  

  7. That time came long ago, In my opinion, we shouldn't be there in the first place.

  8. Apart from the fact we should not have been there to start with (not in my name), because the hit on the Twin Towers never was about Iraq, I totally agree.  

  9. Sadly I have to agree with the people who say war and reconstruction are good for the economy. I heard on the news yesterday that our biggest defence contractor here in the UK has won a big order for bullets. It's a drop in the ocean for them (they build aircraft carriers too) but watching people press bullets out of a machine in a factory just hit home to me how divorced we ordinary working folk are from the economics of war.

    Nothing will change until ordinary people start voting in governments who are not war mongers, who stop sending troops, missiles and ships around the world to meddle in the affairs of other nations. For example, we should not be pressing Georgia etc., into NATO because we *know* that will cause conflict with Russia. Why don't we just back off and concentrate on creating an economy based around renewable energy, sustainable agriculture and equality within our own countries?

  10. the weapons manufacturers, are the only factories still operating at full capacity, if we stop the war now, they to will close down, and send the country into a depression.

  11. i think it is time to bring our service men home no matter if there is a recession or not they don't need to be fighting a war that has nothing to do with us.

  12. Vote McCain and meet him at "The Gates Of h**l"    

  13. Your statement is too simplistic.

  14. Yes. Let's face it, the only contribution that Afghanistan have made to the world is the Heroin Trade.

    It sickens me to hear that Gordon Brown has yesterday pledged £50M of our taxes to this shithole excuse for a nation.

    Bring the boys back home and let these terrorist scum kill each other. I couldn't care less.

  15. yes, but we'll get into another war for europe instead

    they cant fight their own wars, they'd rather have us pay for it

    kind of like the rest of the world

  16. Yes, i think it's time to put ourselves first for once. I'm sure that Iraq can run itself by now, just how long do we have to police them for, we need to cut the cord and let them go.

    It's like the Georgia situation Brown giving them £2m ok in the large scale of things its a drop in the ocean, but surely that money could be put into our economy, it's tax payer money he's giving away !! :)

  17. Most definitely.

  18. Yes. Start by stopping to sponsor Mr. lunatic Saakashvili and the **** hole he just made Georgia into. Like arming the Georgian army, training them and sending military advisers in. No, no, USA had nothing to do with the war, obviously........

  19. we should have never started any war....  

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