
The course I want to start at University states that it may involve a portfolio review but where do I start?

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The course I'm considering is Product Design, I have a few questions about the portfolio some Universities are asking for:

1. If I drop Art and Design at AS, can I still create a successful portfolio out of A-Level Product Design and AS Art and Design?

2. Do they check every entries portfolio?

3. When should I begin my portfolio?

4. Is it worth taking a Foundation Year to get a strong portfolio?

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated,





  1. In my experience as a Secondary Art teacher students are asked to bring a selection of work to interview which must be recent. You should start your portfolio as soon as possible and include sketchpads as they give a real insight into your thoughts and ideas.

    A Foundation Year is definitely a good idea as you try different disciplines and might find that you change your mind in what you want to specialise in for a degree.

    Personally I think they are looking for enthusiasm, motivation and an ability to work really hard. Don't worry about where your portfolio content comes from- just ensure that it's all work you feel pleased with, that it has a direction and shows your skills.

    Good luck!

  2. If you haven't got a portfolio start one today. Collect up all your best efforts and add some more if you have time.

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