
The creation of three departments in the executive branch illustrated the nations concerns about?

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The creation of three departments in the executive branch illustrated the nations concerns about?




  1. Three departments being the congress (Legislative), the President, and the judicial branch. This illustrates the nation's concern about any one entity gaining too much control. The congress proposes laws, the president can veto or sign them, and the judicial branch must interpret the meaning of them in legal cases.

  2. OK. First off, the executive branch is referring to the President and his cabinet. The President cannot deal with all the issues and problems in the country personally all the time. So different departments were created. Each department has a specific area of government it is responsible to oversee.

    Like the Department of Defense, department of the interior, Department of Transportation (DOT). The President appoints a person, called the Secretary, to head up each department. Condi Rice is currently Secretary of State, head of the State Department.

    The most recent department created was Department of Homeland Security. It was created because of concerns over terrorist attacks after 9/11. It responsible to monitor any activity where terrorist or enemies of the U.S. might use to cause harm. Airport security, monitor phone call, messaging, emails, any threats to U.S. security including border control.

    Department of Agriculture was created  to develop and execute policy on farming, agriculture, and food. It aims to meet the needs of farmers and ranchers, promote agricultural trade and production, work to assure food safety, protect natural resources, foster rural communities and end hunger, in America and abroad.

    Department of Transportation. Was created because of America's need to build and maintain roads, regulate and control interstate commerce transportation (trucks, trains transporting freight), regulate the airline industry and air flight.

  3. The separation of power. In England, they were ruled by one king and his word was law. In the United States, they wanted to make sure they were not being ruled by one individual, but by in a sense themselves (more people) that kept each other in balance (checks and balances). The three branches can be seen as pulling each other in check. The Legislative branch can propose laws, but the Executive branch can veto them. And to ensure that the Executive branch does not have more power (such as vetoing everything), the Legislative branch can override a veto with a 2/3s vote. The Judicial branch makes sure that certain laws go along with the initial Constitution.

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