
The cruellest lies are often told in silence! quote what do you think this means?

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I have my thoughts on this




  1. I think it means that when you don't tell someone something it hurts the most than if you do tell them something.

  2. If someone looks stipid e.g horrible clothes and you don't tell them and they go out and everybody laughs at them....

  3. When you give yourself away tthrough actions

  4. not saying anything is as bad as lying.

  5. Lies that are never revealed. Some lies can destroy peoples lives if found out, by the person who lied and the person who has been lied too.  

  6. I believe this refers to not correcting a lie. The lie is told and the silence is from a person who knows the truth but for reasons of their own refuses to correct the lie.

    Being told in silence sounds like it is unchallenged.

  7. Its cruel to cover up the truth with lies just to keep up with your own idea of what would make somebody else happy. Like when you would not tell the person you love that she is diagnosed with an incurable disease, just to keep her from worries. It is cruelty to the person who is denied the chance to take the lead on her remaining life.

  8. I think it means that when we don't say something we really should, it is a cruel lie, like when we see someone with a terrible haircut and say nothing, allowing them to go round looking like cocoa the clown or something.  

  9. Well ignorance is bliss bye.

  10. Any thing that if it had been voiced would have helped you. I can give an example.

    You need someone to verify a story, alibi or something else you are being questioned about.  

    You beseech a person who knows you speak the truth to back you.  They look bemused and remain silent.  

    Without speaking a single word, they are lying most cruelly.

  11. Be True to yourself,

    as well as others..

  12. Holding mis-founded beliefs about someone,without finding the truth.

  13. It means an of your friends snubs you, so you imagine all sorts of reasons why and perhaps come to the conclusion that she must be seeing your boyfriend, you are convinced that, that is the reason....and that is a lie amidst your silent thoughts.

    Later you find out that, that particular day, your friend wasn't well and it was nothing to do with your boyfriend.

    In other words, you are coming to a conclusion, in your thoughts, and hanging someone without evidence or a trial.

    But that is just one is 'lies within our thoughts'  untruths that bear no reality

  14. It means what Robert doesn't know can't hurt him ;-)



  15. To witness an injustice, but say nothing that would undo the injustice and spare someone of pain.

  16. When we see injustice and do not speak about it we tell a lie by omission, one that hurts many others. When we witness child abuse,discrimination or bigotry and do not speak, our silence makes us co-conspirators.

    When the people who need us to speak for them see that we are remaining silent, to protect ourselves or because we do not wish to become involved, we cause them unnecessary pain and suffering and we are as guilty then as those who act against them.

  17. i think it means, that you might as well lie than keep your mouth shut about something.

  18. I think it means that the lies you tell yourself are the worst and most painful lies.  

    Be true to yourself, and be who you are not what you want to be.

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