
The current estimate for the coming total ban on many guns is about 11 months do you thinks that's accurate?

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if not your best guess of when the dems will complete the life long dream of A GUN BAN?




  1. FORD, they will get your guns. Barack Hussein already has a bill on the senate floor as we chat today, It's called The Global Poverty Act S.2433 and is active untill December 31st. I asked my congressman Dem Bart Stupac and his office confirmed it.

    This bill sponsored by Obama gives not only American monies to the UN ( 845 Billion ) , but the language of the bill makes America partner with this UN run program and the UN has stated that it will require participating countries to

    1. Hand over huge amounts of money for distribution to impoverished peoples around the world.

    2.Allow UN standereds on child welfare to be instated on the children of the perticipating countries. OUR children.

    3. That these countries must eliminate all small arms and light weapons from non military personell ( theres your sign ).

    4. UN has power to demand troops from these countries be sent anywhere in the world for police actions even here in the U.S.A. !!

    Read it, this is true.

  2. I am a Democrat and will not give up my guns

    this is propaganda to give votes to the Republicans who are more likely to ignore the Constitution and erode your rights

  3. Tell em to come and try to take them! If the Dems were ever to try to ban guns they could make all the laws they wanted. But getting people to turn them in wouldn't happen.

  4. Well, I guess you best run out and build up that stock pile you already have then.  

  5. Do you think it will take that long before gun incidents and police shootings and berserk armed teachers force us back to some control?

    Nobody wants a total gun ban - but leaving deadly weapons without any control at all is just plain dumb.

  6. They'll be too busy cleaning up Bush's mess to ban guns.

    Anyway, guns will never be banned. They won't  change the Constitution.

    I'm starting to believe that the issue of banning guns is exactly like the cons saying they're gonna ban abortion. It's not gonna happen.

    Our country is in too much of a mess to base our vote on one issue.

    And I"m totally pro second amendment. There should be no ban on guns.

  7. in that case in 11 months the usa will be a lot safer

    ban all guns, less gun crime, less deaths, just look at the facts

    and your kids can go to college without fear of a mass shooting

  8. I don't really think they can take our guns at least not in the first term...

    as far universal healthcare goes I don't much think that will work either...

    when I started school I remember going to the doctor for my physical and standing at the counter after seeing the doctor while my mom payed the bill it was ten dollars...can you imagine "ten dollars" you cant set in the waiting room for ten dollars today...I do understand the health care concerns as I do not have insurance...

    5 years ago I had to learn the hard way who is in control of our health care system and universal health care will not help our problem...

    universal health care is a very good idea but until or unless the underlying problems are fixed the only thing universal health care will do is add to the uselessness of the system that already exists...

    always nosnod  

  9. Gun Ban? In the good ole US of A? Almost Impossible task !

    Say : have hugged your GSG-5P  Machine gun today? Link


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