
The current media is trying to frighten the public and force us to pay more money for fuel.?

by  |  earlier

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The current media about global warming is just a lot of political/scientific hot air, meant to frighten the public to force them to pay more for fuel.

What are your opinions on this statement? Please provide evidence.

This is for a debate and my team and I are on the negative side (we're disagreeing to this statement).




  1. Hmm, difficult to answer without knowing what the "evidence" for the positive side (your opponents) is supposed to be, but there's quite a good layman's guide to some of the most common arguments here:

  2. I am u. "I disagree. What about the rising temperatures? the gov can't ignore that no matter how much 'hot air' u think this is. We know this from the melting glaciers that was captured by various documentary teams that are not prejudiced for or against the scientists/government officials...."    if u need more help go to and click on video search in the top right hand corner. and type in global warming. watch the videos and see if u dont find wat u need.

  3. Yes we are watching the success of one of the most blatant marketing schemes in the history of advertising. It just goes to prove a well designed advertising program brings in the profits and that old PT had it right with his marketing technique. I just wonder how all those faithful here will feel when the con about climate change is fully reviled next year after the election.

  4. It is simple... The temperature data is bogus. It is from some very old thermometers that were probably plus and minus 2 deg F. U can not show any data that would indicate the accuracy of the readings. Also try to show that it is near impossible to do a true average. To do an average of group A and average group B  ,and C is an illegal math function to average an average . Do U take the temp in the mountains or Vallie's. Do U have more from the from the warm climate or from the cold climate.  

  5. I think anybody would have a very difficult time trying to support the 'nay side' to this statement.  The facts just won't be on your side no matter how deep you dig for them.  And the global warming scam is about more than just the price of fuel, that was just the beginning.

  6. my opinion of your statement is it shows a clear lack of understanding of current world issues the price of fuel has gone up mainly due to demand from China. The premise of AGW is that we should use less hydrocarbons and the recent drop in fuel prices is being put down to a worldwide drop in demand, due to the high price of fuel, which would tend to blow holes in AGW causing price hikes in fuel costs.

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