
The daddy ran away, what now? Survey for an article.?

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I am gathering information so I can write an article with a title like, "The daddy ran, now what?" Here are the questions.

After he ran away, did he ever come back?

What is the first thing to do after he runs?

What did you do to manage yourself with no daddy?

Did someone else take his place?

How were you financially?

What things can be done for money without the daddy's support?

What about Child support? Did you get it?

If he pays child support, does he always pay on time and in full?

What would you do the second time around, if you knew what you know now?

What was your honest opinion of the daddy then?

What is your opinion of the daddy today?

What now, are things O.K?

Thanks, I only ask for the questions, if you want to answer it. Please skip any questions if desired.




  1. 1. I wouldn't technically say that he ran away. Our relationship was falling apart and I decided that we were not going to make it. Though after I ended things he got pretty rude and then ended most all contact with me until I had my daughter. (Communication with him was impossible and he wanted to ignore problems instead of fixing them.)

    - His mom made him come back the day I gave birth to try and fix his mistakes. He was all ready to practically take the baby from me and let his family raise her, then he basically offered baby sitting services.

    2. -

    3. Luckily I had family that supported me and helped out with things concerning the baby. We had to rebuy everything as my ex took it all with him when he left. Apparently, he was allowed to keep the things I bought him but I couldn't keep what he had bought me and my daughter. (immature and ignorant)

    4. Yes, I started dating an old friend after my daughter was born and he has stepped in and become her daddy.

    5. Daddy has been a blessing and undertook all financial obligations to me and my daughter.

    6. The only thing you can do if you don't have family is rely on state aid that you qualify for.

    7. I do not receive child support.

    8. -

    9. I wouldn't change anything, that would mean changing the best little person in my life.

    10. Before things went sour, I thought he was a great guy. Afterward, I realized how immature he was.

    11. Don't have much of one. Haven't had any contact with him for almost 3 years now.

    12. Things are great and will be even better when my daughter is adopted after I get married.

  2. What now?  Thank my God that he closed that door and still made a way for me and my daughters, without daddy - physically, mentally and financially.  Now, they are all grown and did very well without "daddy", as to their relationship with him now, it is no different than it was when they were little, children do remember, children do think and you being an adult,you know all the things that didn't make sense then, well it all makes sense now.   Absent "Daddys", well, they reap what they sow.  God Bless.

  3. is this for our childs dad, or our dad...hmm? my childs dad:

    he didnt run, i left

    no he didnt come back cause i didnt let him

    i moved on with my life

    i moved out of province and got a job

    no one took his place right away

    i was fine financially

    get a job

    i got no support from him


    i wouldnt change anything except the amount of time i stay in a bad situation

    daddy then was a dead beat loser

    he is trying to get his life together (5 years later)

    now i have a new life, new man, another baby, things are great

  4. 1.  No.  He abandoned me when I was 14 weeks pregnant, and I have heard from him once since then (when he was completely drunk and wanted to harass me).

    2.  The first thing to do after he left.....what can you do?  Pick up the pieces and take care of yourself and your child.

    3.  I have managed myself without a man for the past 30 years, so I wasn't particularly worried for myself.  

    4.  No.  I am due any day now, and I am still single.

    5.  It's been hard financially, but I work full time and get no government handouts.  I pay my own way.

    6.  See above hard, work full time.  

    7.  I will file for child support when the baby gets here.  I am reasonably sure I will get it.

    8.  I can't tell you yet, because I can't file until the baby is born.

    9.  I wouldn't touch this loser with someone else's v****a.

    10.  I thought he was a decent person.

    11.  He's a cowardly loser and an alcoholic.

    12.  I can't say that I lived happily ever after because the child isn't even here yet.  I know it will be hard, but I am a capable, educated woman and I'm sure I will manage.  

  5. After he ran away, did he ever come back?

    He never ran away, he never even knew, she never told him it was his child until she was 2 yrs old.

    What is the first thing to do after he runs?

    See number 1, but she found another man to play Daddy and when he got fed up because his “daughter” didn’t look like him, he put two and two together and took off on her.

    What did you do to manage yourself with no daddy?

    She called MY husband crying about how “she just had his baby girl”.

    Did someone else take his place?

    Yes, for the first 2 yrs. After that, over HIS dead body!

    How were you financially?

    Well, not working can really hurt a person financially.

    What things can be done for money without the daddy's support?

    Getting a job and cutting expenses the best you can and live within your means

    What about Child support? Did you get it?

    Yes, when we found out, we started paying immediately without a court order. Then when things got ugly, we took her to court and got slapped with 2 yrs back support on top of the money we had already given. How does that work? But yes, we pay child support weekly and she gets it weekly.

    If he pays child support, does he always pay on time and in full?

    We pay the state and we do so on time and in full.

    What would you do the second time around, if you knew what you know now?

    She would hopefully remember who she slept with and when.

    What was your honest opinion of the daddy then?

    She was in love with him until he said he didn’t want to be with her. Hence why visitation got ugly.

    What is your opinion of the daddy today?

    She hates him, he hates her. They’ll never get along. But one can always hope (me)

    What now, are things O.K?

    They get along sometimes, but it’s a pretty messed up situation. We should be going for custody since she’s doing a really poor job at everything. But she’s not unfit so that’d never happen. But in the eyes of a parent, she has LOTS of reading up to do!

  6. This is concerning the father of my two children ages 6 and 5:

    1) No he has never even tried to call or see them.

    2) He's addict ~ Addicted to several different things

    3) My kids were sad and missed him at first but no there used to him not being there.

    4) Yes i'm married to a wonderful man that has been there for the past 4 years, my kids call him dad and he alsways refers to them as his children.

    5) At first it was very rough but now it's getting better.

    6) Even before marrying my husband i've always worked, 2 jobs if needed to support my children.  DHS also aided me at the time.  So did my family.

    7)I have recieved two child support payments of $100 in the last 4 years.

    8) NO, NO, NO!

    9)  Absulotly nothing, my children made me the strong woman that I am now.

    10)  I obviously loved him, I thought he was a good man.  I was also 18 and 'in love'

    11) That he is worthless piece of Sh**!  Not for what he did to me but for not seeing his kids, he missed her kindergarden graduation and that hurt her alot.

    12) Yes, we are happy without him, I'm glad things didn't work out or I wouldn't be married to the man I am now and my kids wouldn't have the stability they do now.  We are finally a happy famly of 5!!!!!!  

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