
The debt creditors sent my "vaildation" but the information is false and has errors what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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They sent a checklist of the fees it said i had a improper notice fee but then the other document stated I had a notice. Then it said I had damages but I have pictures of the place and clearly not.They stated they were "blurry" haha but you can see the vacuum marks in the carpet. My question is they feel or "claim" its valid which its not.

What is considered Valid debt?

He also voliated the fdcpa. Calling my mom looking for me Knowing he has my cell and email to contact. Asked her for payment and told her my debt in detail. This i told the creditor but I already reported him.

So don't have to pay the debt right ?

What is consider "valid" debt?




  1. Ultimately, it would be up to a judge to decide a matter like this. They are claiming damages, but you have evidence to support your claim. Just going by what you posted here, it's very possible a judge would rule in your favor on the damages, plus you have the FDCPA violations.

    In my opinion, you have a couple choices.

    1. Be aggressive and file a lawsuit against them for their FDCPA violations. You didn't mention if this was posted to your credit reports, but I assume it is, so if you can prove damages (denied credit, higher interest rates) you could have a claim for the $1000 in FDCPA violations + damages + legal fees. You can try finding an NACA lawyer in your area, as they will usually take these cases on a contingency if you have laid the proper ground work.

    2. Send them a cease and desist letter, and see what their next move is. Their only choices would be to sue you, or stop contacting you. Sure, they could leave it on your credit report for the 7 years, so if you need to protect a good credit rating this would probably not be a good idea. I'll also tell you right now that this is very risky, as they could likely file that lawsuit, which you would then have to defend.

    Personally, I'd send them a letter stating that their claims are invalid and demand that they close the matter, cease collection attempts and remove any and all listings from your credit reports. I'd go on to say that they have 15 days to comply or their next communication from me would be in the form of a summons. Those FDCPA violations would provide good leverage.

    You could also try visiting and browsing their forums, as there is alot of great information there. You can even register for free and ask this question there, and get many more informed opinions.

  2. Hi,

    I used "Credit Solution" to settle my debt and avoid bankruptcy.They managed to reduce my debt up to 58%.It's legitimate. I came across this company on NBC News Special Edition.Check it out here:

  3. If you think they violated the FDCPA, then file a lawsuit against them in small claims court.

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