
The definition of a "Orb" please.?

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I have become tired of seeing dust particals, water spots & claims of "ghosts" from these things.

So, why don't we clear this matter up now & give a explanation of these.

For those that do not have a knowledge of these, PLEZ don't "copy & paste" info.




  1. .

  2. 1 a spherical object or shape. 2 a golden globe with a cross on top , carried by a king or queen.

  3. An orb is what some believers call the photographic artifact caused by light from a flash bouncing off a particle of some sort (i.e. rain, dust, bug, etc.) near the lens of the camera.  Because this object is outside the plane of focus it is rendered as a fuzzy little blob or a transparent cell-like object.  Whatever they are, they certainly aren't balls of energy (a la ball lightning) or spirits of any sort.

  4. get a dictionary

  5. I have recieved an evp stating that an orb is the "concentrated aura of spirit."  Also, the "lighter the person the darker the color"  Then a boy said "my color is green." Which led me to wonder what they meant by lighter.  When asked to clarify during another recording session..."the higher the vibration, the 'lighter' the person".  So...if you want to say it's not paranormal...that's fine...but I'll take it from the dead they know more than the living about this stuff.

  6. Aside from some silliness here with the answers, I have to agree with both you & TR.

    In my experience, I have never considered an Orb as paranormal evidence.  To me they are nothing more than balls of energy.  

    Other factors that could be considered are dust, bugs, water, unseen particals, dirty lens, pollen & I am sure there are more.

    I have pictures of some that even come with a "skeletal" face & are definatly not round or even a color of an orb.

    It does however need to be addressed to clear up any confusion.  

    Well, for about a day or so anyway until someone else posts another "Ghost Orb".  lol

  7. An orb is an anomalous ball of energy. In order to be a true orb the light of the orb needs to be seen with the naked eye. Specks of dust and water on the lens can cause some to think an orb is there even if they are not seen.

  8. An orb is a dense collection of energy that manifests into a glowing ball.  These can be of various sizes (most true 'orbs' will be about 1" to 12" in size) and colors.  There are other names that may be more common to people.  These are St. Elmo's Fire, Ball Lightning, and Desert Ghosts.  They appear where there is a higher than normal charge in the air, usually before or after lightning storms, in the holds of ships that use large battery banks (Non-Nuclear Submarines encountered this on a regular basis), in climates that are extremely dry (deserts) and various other condistions.  In homes they can appear where there is static electricity charge buildup, with a high electromagnetic field (coming from electrical sources that are unshielded).  In homes, the electrical field may produce small 'orbs' of less than an inch.  The higher the elctrical charge in the air, the larger the 'orb' may be.  'Orbs' may manifest when certain gases and electrical charges combine.

    In short, 'Orbs' are a collection of energy that appears and disappears from/into nowhere.  Some may travel through non-metallic surfaces and have been known to travel 100's of feet before disipating.  As far as spirit activity, in my research, there has been no evidence, scientific or otherwise, to prove or disprove that these 'orbs' are spirit energy.  There is however, a large amount of alternative explanations than that of a ghost.

  9. An orb is a round, unexplained light, not necessarily paranormal.  Just an explanation for dust, water, etc.

  10. Hi, good idea!  The word really needs to get out about "orbs" to the paranormal community. Already many ghost hunting groups have done away with any "orb" talk, having learned from camera optics that these photographic artifacts are very well explained by flash reflections off tiny particulates in the air. Nowadays if you want to gain any credibility in the paranormal, it's best to take orbs for what they are scientifically known to be, just flash reflections from out-of-focus dust particles.

    So what's the scientific explanation?  Well "orbs" didn't become a fad until these small handheld flash cameras became popular. One reason why is because with small cameras the flash is much closer to the lens than in an SLR camera  (a single lens reflex camera, a "pro" type camera). This makes a difference because for an orb to show up in a photo the dust particle has to be near the lens, but not too close, and it has to be illuminated. With a handheld camera both of these conditions are met, and what's more, the location of the flash next to the lens ensures that the side of the particle facing the lens is illuminated. In an SLR with a flash farther away and above the lens, only the top most part of the particle gets light and isn't facing the lens.

    Another factor is the depth of field. With cameras with small aperatures (little handheld cameras) the depth of field is greater, which means that there is a larger distance within which dust particles are out of focus and can produce the "orb" effect.

    There's much more to camera optics than this, but to avoid a too lengthy answer, please see the website below for more details.

    EDIT: If orbs are described as "balls of energy", it would only be in the context of reflected light being energy. Also, it's important to keep in mind that the "orb" is not really a ball either but a circle of light impinging on the camera lens. It's what happens when a single point of light is diffused due to being out of focus. I think it's more accurate to call a photographed orb a circle of light rather than a ball of energy.

  11. An orb is a bright ball of light that floats around.

  12. An orb just the description of a round object. Your question is confusing.  You are saying "these".  Are you just asking about what an orb is?

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