
The definition of masse'?

by Guest33682  |  earlier

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The definition of masse'?




  1. Strike the cue ball with a downward stroke in order to cause it to spin in a manner that the cue ball will change direction during it's roll.

  2. Massé : (pronounced - mass-AY)

    (General) A shot in which extreme spin is applied to the cue ball by elevating the cue-butt at an angle with the bed of the table of anywhere between 30 and 90 degrees. The cue ball usually takes a curved path, with more curve resulting from increasing cue stick elevation.

    Fundamentally, a massé is a pool (or billiards, or any other cue sport) shot in which the cue ball's path does one of two things. First, the cue ball's path as viewed from above could curve. This is the most frequently encountered type of massé. Second, the cue ball could leave the cue in a straight line (still, as viewed from above) but at some point reverse direction and proceed back towards its initial location. This would be a linear path, but the direction of the ball's travel would change halfway through the shot. Both types of massés are achieved through the use of an elevated cue, and there is nothing illegal about either shot, so long as only the tip of the cue makes proper contact with the cue ball.

    Some refer to the massé as the French word for: jump.

  3. this word is mainly used in 9 ball snooker it is known as a swerve shot .  so called because the player imparts enough spin in the right place on the cue ball -or white-  that makes said ball change direction dramatically  whilst moving forward... however getting back to the name of the shot, i could be wrong but i think it  was so called because  Mike Massey , an american 9 ball legend used the shot very often...

    Hope this helps

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