
The demand for Soy beans is destroying the Amazon rain-forest. How can we reduce demand for this stuff?

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With low cattle prices the impact of ranchers seemed limited. Now big money is building roads and clear-felling thousands of hectares at a time to get at the best soil to grow soybeans. The US is using it's land to grow more corn and oilseed for fuel, but who is eating the soybeans? Can we boycote them?




  1. America's appetite for energy has no bounds. What ever it takes to meet those needs America will do regardless of the consequences to other lands or peoples.

    Why on earth you would want to feed that stuff to grazing animals is beyond me.

  2. that is nothing compared to the production of Ethanol

    and the Americans are behind most of it.;...

    forests are coming down all over the world at a rate of 4 football fields per hour

  3. The US is now using soybeans to create environmentaly friendly biofuels. Bi-products are used to make fertilizer. I thought this was a good thing but not in the Amazon if they are destroying the rain-forest.

  4. Soybeans are not only consumed by a massive amount of the world's population as is, but by factories that use them to produce other foods. Soybean oil, soy sauce, there are hundreds of products we use daily that come from soybeans.

    So no, there is no way to reduce demand.

    But I must tell you this: It is better to grow soybeans on land than anything else, because soybeans harm the land much less. If the land doesn't go to soybeans, it will most likely go to something else.

  5. Demand that fat people quit eating.

  6. A large portion of soybeans are used for livestock feed.

    This is the stats for the US.

    The growing livestock industry outside the US has similar requirements and as it grows, more demand means more soy grown in the rainforest.

    EDIT: Link to the document about soy and the Amazon (perhaps this is what you read)

    It would be interesting to see the stats for Brazil's land use since they are an "Ethanol Economy"

  7. The amount of soy products in our supermarkets has increased exponentially lately. There is a huge market in the vegan and vegetarian sector.

    To get enough food without animal products these guys have to eat large amounts of plant products generally.

    Soy provides the protein component of their diet. It also allows them to put on weight.

    TVP textured vegetable protein, an intensely modified manufactured product allows such people to survive without meat products. It is made from Soy.

    Getting vegetarian or vegans to stop eating soy is impossible.

    They exist to tell everyone else what to do and how to live.

    Suggesting that they are responsible for destruction of the Amazon is priceless.

    You may as well try to teach a pig to sing!

    Just imagine how much more land would have to be cleared for agriculture if we all became vegetarians.

    Most cattle eat grass, here at least. Where they are fed soy they fatten easily. It is high in protein and fat. The fat is polyunsaturated and so causes rapid weight gain.

    It has been suggested that the replacement of animal fats with plant fats in human diets is responsible for the obesity epidemic.

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