
The destruction of the Rain forest creates problems at different levels.?

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what are the local and global level of the destruction of the rainforest??

could you state the website which you found the information thank you




  1. I've included a link to a pdf you should read if you are interested in the issue of deforestation. It relates to Borneo and  the problems of deforestation for palm oil plantations and how this related to the wildlife and the global economy. Hope it helps.

  2. This is from me:

    Local would be about the harm to the animal species and lose of property to people and tribes of the rainforest.  The people there are now experiencing increase pollution, other cultures, and possible loss of quality of life.

    Global is global warming, increase pollution, loss of possible disease fighting elements when we destroy animals, species, and plants. Loss of nature, etc.

    Look at the rainforest alliance website.

  3. Yea, I can't reload fast enough to mow em down for doin it.

  4. What also needs mentioning is that the rainforest seeds rain clouds, so there is a reduction in rainfall alongside the soils' reduced ability to hold it.

    Small areas of forest can not survive on their due to lack of rainfall and other factors, this is known as ecosystem collapse.

    Also the a collapse of the Amazonian rainforest might release enough carbon to cause runaway climate change, That is where other effects caused by the rise in temperature (release of carbon from the oceans and release of carbon and methane from thawing permafrost) cause global warming beyongd human control

  5. Greenpeace website.

  6. Local- people loss their jobs, MANY ANIMAL SPECIES ARE LOST!!, homes are lost, indigenous peoples lost too

    World- extinction of species, loss of important plants that could cure AIDS and cancer, TREES in the rainforest realease O2 that helps balance out  the Global Warming Problem!

  7. Destruction of Rain Forest is a serious Problem for all of us.

    We are using More Papper/Plywood/Cooking/Burning wood in Winter Season all ove the World.

    For the above we are cutting Trees  and it automatically causing damaged to our Ozone Layer and also % of Rain is reduced.

    You can see more details in web site which is running by

    GREEN PEACE organisers all over the World.

    My e.mail ID is

  8. We are going to run out of Brazil nuts we are doomed, doomed.

    Climate change and reduction in biodoversity.

    Forests capture carbon out of the atmosphere reducing global warming.  On a local scale forests improve the fertility of soil.  Forests also regulate the water supply. Trees quickly soak up water when there is heavy rain, reducing the effects of flooding.  Forests also improve the chances of rain so there is less drought.

    The majority of the worlds species of animals and plants live in rain forests.  These species are dying out rapidly as the forest is destroyed. You should be aware that temperate rain forests are as important as the tropical ones when it comes to biodiversity.

    Many tribal peoples have lost their homes and way of life.  Many tribes have been killed completely by diseases they have no resistance to, as they have been forced to have contact with Old World people.

    For further info try these links

    The last one has links to other articles at the bottom.

    Finally you should perhaps consider reforestation issues.

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