
The diary of anne frank...some details for a test tomorrow? ?

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what are some important details that may come up in a test? like important scenes, etc. thanks in advance





  2. Hard to tell but if it was me taking that test, this is what I would try to remember...

    The reason the Franks went into hiding was because on July 5, 1942, Margot Frank received a summons to report to Westerbork Transit Camp within 5 days. Rather than obey, the Franks went into hiding above Otto's business.

    The van Pels went into hiding two weeks after the Franks. Herman van Pels is actually Otto Frank's business partner. Fritz Pfeffer is Miep's dentist and he went into hiding two months after the van Pels.

    Anne did not like Peter at first. He was quiet and boring. However as the months progresed, Anne realized that Peter would probably be the only boy she'll ever have a relationship with. And so a relationship blossomed. Just imagine yourself secluded in a room that is  the size of your living room with your high school crush. What kind of feelings would you have?

    On August 4, 1944 all eight people were arrested around 10am by officer Karl Silberbauer. They were first sent to the local jail where they spent three days in a holding cell. After that, they were taken to the train station where they were then sent to Westerbork Transit camp.

    At Westerbork, they were sent to the Punishment Barracks because they failed to report. Separated by s*x, Anne, Margot, Edith, and Auguste were working in a battery dismantling plant. They were in Westerbork for only one month.

    In September, all eight people were transported from Westerbork to Auschwitz death camp in Poland. In late October, around Halloween, Anne and Margot were transported to Bergen Belsen, a concentration camp in Germany. Margot died of starvation in late February (my birthday) or early March. Anne died a few days later of typhus.

    Her diary has been translated into over 60 languages and after the Bible, the most popular non fiction book read. It is also considered an important document of the Holocaust. The infamous hiding place has now become a museum where some parts of her original diary is displayed.    

  3. Well she and her family had to live in the attic of a store, the n**i soldiers found her and took her to a concentration camp or whatever and I think that's were she died.

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