
The difference between CD-R and CD-RW?

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The difference between CD-R and CD-RW?




  1. A CD-R you can burn files/music onto.

    A CD-RW you can still burn files/music onto, but you can delete the files on it and put different things on them, kind of like a flash drive. (But slower)

  2. CD-R and CD-RW are two different types of blank CDs that are labeled differently on their product packaging. CD-RWs are re-recordable and CD-Rs are not.

  3. u can only record on a cd-r once whearas u can record on a rewritable manytimes

  4. on cd-rw it means rewrite and you can rewrite over what you recorded in the first place,on a cd-r you can only record once on it,then have to finalize it and never can you record on it again...

  5. cd-r means you can burn something onto a cd one time only

    cd-rw means you can burn something onto a cd more than one time

  6. CD-R means recordable; CD-RW means rewritable-- you can download something and later put something else on it. CD-RW discs are more expensive since you can reuse them. Hope this helped..

  7. read only and read/write

  8. CD-R   compact disc-recordable (files can only be put on once)

    CD-RW    compact disc-re writable (once files have been put on more can be added)

  9. the only difference is you can erase and re-record on a cd-rw and delete files just like if it was a floppy disk but a cd-r can only be written to once, once written to you can't delete files or format a cd-r whatever you save on a cd-r is permanent  

  10. Cd-R will let you record music, pictures, files, etc. only ONE time.  CD-RW lets you record over existing files (essentially the disc is reusable).

  11. A CD-R means you can only record once on the CD but a CD-RW means you can record and write the CD more than once...

  12. The first means CD Rom and the latter, CD Re-Writable.

  13. I agree with the other posters, in addition, most CD-RW are way slower in writing BUT they can be erased up to 500 times.

    The ones below are 24X write speed. There are many cheap 4X which can take upto 14 minutes to fill.

  14. CD- means it's a recordable compact disc, but you can only do it once.  

    CD-R = CD Recordable.

    CD-RW, means it's a compact disc meant for writing ( burning ) music, or whatever information onto the disc.  Don't like it, erase the disc and and burn again.  CD-RW  is CD ReWritable.  

  15. I think

    CD R is Cd record

    CD RW is CD record and rewrite.

    I think.


  16. CD-R is ONE TIME writable disk,CD-RW disk can be REWRITTEN on  hence the RW...

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