
The difference between a big guy and a fat guy?

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What is the difference because people tell me i'm big but when they get made or say "i'm joking" they call me fat.I'm 16, 6'1 and a half.My stomach is flat but my chest kinda pops out but not to bad (kinda).Why do they say big but then other people call me fat?




  1. big=big


    its that simple!

  2. big is the nice way of calling somebody fat.

  3. we can't read other peoples minds, but if you have man b***s try losing weight, and if you smoke pot, I always heard that can grow them, so I would stop

  4. Well you're tall, so you're big. Like weighing 200 lbs and being 5'5 is no good. But like you prob weigh close to 200 but you're tall so it fills out all over your body.

  5. Because the people who call you fat are ignorant SOB's who don't know the difference. You're probably just big boneded and don't listen to the people who call you fat.

  6. Tell them its muscle, but if they dont believe you, make them understand :P

  7. the people calling you big are just being polite. i hate it when people say"i'm joking/kidding" It's never funny to the other person and they are not joking.  

  8. You don't say how much you weigh but I doubt you are fat. Sometimes when guys are going through puberty they can get man-b***s. They will go away as your hormones even out.

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