
The difference between bath and shower?

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What are the benefits of a bath or shower?

What is the difference?

What happens different in bath than shower ( or example: some people feel cleaner after taking a shower rather a bath )

I am an athlete, which one benefits me more?

Please just give me any information you have.




  1. Well if you really want to get clean have a shower. Baths are for relaxation and little kids. When your in the shower all the dirt comes off and goes down the drain, when you have a bath your soaking in all your dirt. Being an atlehet I dont think you want to soak in sweat.  

  2. A bath is when you fill up the tub with hot water with bubbles and out candles all around you and lie in the tub. A shower is cleaning yourself standing up.

  3. the Difference with a bath and shower is obvious. one ur standing  the other ur sitting.  personally i like baths because i can soak myself (i'm a female) we have to keep clean. but after i soak i usually take a shower to finish bathing myself. but  since ur athletic showers may do u good. it dont matter but i'd prefer a bath  

  4. A shower is where you stand up and wash up and a bath is where you sit down it the tub area and fill the tub with water.

    Shower's are better for washing and etc while Bath's are better for relaxing and since your an athlete you could fill it w/ cold water which relaxes your muscles. However don't take an "ice bath" unless it is after a lot of exercise.

    Hope I helped :)

  5. Some cultures see baths as being unclean because you are sitting in your own dirt. Showers are more environmentally friendlybecause they generally use less water. Baths are more relaxing. It's up to you.

  6. a bath would probably relax your muscles more so it would be more benifitial to you as an althelete. showers usually take lesser time.

  7. You can get cleaner with taking a shower.

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  8. a bath is more mentally relaxing and it also relaxes your muscles

  9. Well you see, with a bath, you sit down in a tub of water.

    In a shower, you stand up with water running through a shower head.

    Hope to have helped you!

  10. a bath, one you can relax in a bath and a shower I don't think one feels as clean, but why not take a bath and the rinse off in the shower? that'd work!

  11. In my opinion, a shower will get you cleaner but a bath is more relaxing!

    Keep in mind when you are rinsing in a bath it is with water your already sitting in ....a shower is a constant flow of fresh water.

  12. A bath is soothing and calming, especially because your sitting.

    A shower gets you cleaner but a bath really helps ease the tension in your muscles.Take it from me, I know cause i'm a dancer. Showers are great if you need to get clean in a hurry, but when you don't have any where to go I recommend a nice relaxing bath. I hope this helps you!

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