
The difference between receiving charity and being offered a job?

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any answers?

please list as many differences as possible.

I could use the help since i only thought of one.




  1. charity it's the product of the pitty,

    a job is to make good things due the skills and habilities of  the worker.

  2. Job: self supporting, lasting (hopefully),  independence, increased self respect, skill building, transferable (what you learn to do can be done elsewhere), taxpaying ie contributing to the community, builds a reference to get future jobs

    Charity: dependency, diminished self respect,helps now but does nothing to lessen future need or build for tomorrow, non contributing to society, not a help towards getting future jobs, not learning self support/self reliance skills.

    Our ministry has a policy that whenever possible ppl who need on going help and don't have jobs or can not work regular jobs bec of medical or other needs earn the help they need by helping us help others.   For a number of ppl this has led to regular full time work based on skills they have learned and on the mental attitude of being part of the solution not just the problem.   Some have made a huge difference in the help they have provided to others.

  3. Give a man a fish, & you feed him for a day.

    Teach a man to fish, & you feed him for life.

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